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throwing shoes since '04
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tlorber 2024-06-11 03:42:22 GMT >>


Earthrise during the Apollo 8 mission, December 1968, photographed by Bill Anders (1933-2024).

tlorber 2024-03-17 04:44:38 GMT >>

tlorber 2024-03-17 04:28:01 GMT >>

tlorber 2024-03-17 04:25:23 GMT >>

tlorber 2023-12-29 18:40:47 GMT >>

48-bottles 2023-12-29 18:29:12 GMT >>

tlorber 2023-10-24 23:49:53 GMT >>

tlorber 2023-08-17 03:53:05 GMT >>



hi tumblr peeps! 10 years ago today (or maybe it was yesterday, close enough heh) i started the hexeosis animated hexagon art blog here on tumblr, the first place hexeosis ever existed. i posed a few gifs that first week and really got going in August of 2013. I was super fortunate to have my gifs go viral almost right away and its been honor and a privilege to share my artworks with you all. thanks everyone for all the reblogs, comments, likes, shares, purchases, feedback, angry emails, it’s all good and am forever grateful that you took to the time to look at my silly brightly colored shaped polygons. here’s to 10 more years! (provided we survive the robot apocalypse)

tlorber 2023-08-03 21:49:34 GMT >>

It’s my 10 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳

tlorber 2023-07-19 21:30:25 GMT >>

Check it out! Chicken has three hearts.

48-bottles 2023-03-23 03:22:36 GMT >>

48-bottles 2023-03-20 00:55:22 GMT >>

2023-03-19 Batch #48

Primed with 2/3 cup brown sugar

20 22oz bottles

FG 1.020 (6.7%)

48-bottles 2023-03-06 04:21:36 GMT >>

2023-03-05 Batch #48

Racked to Secondary

SG 1.024

48-bottles 2023-02-28 00:51:24 GMT >>

2023-02-26 Batch #48

New England Style

12lb Rahr 2-row

1lb CaraAroma

1lb Flaked Wheat

5gal Strike Water @ 172*F

60min Saccharification Rest @ 161*F

1.5gal Sparge Water @ 172*F

Collected all


60min 1.2oz Cleveland House 2021

60min 5.0z Blythswood Estate 2021

10min 1.9oz Cleveland House 2022

10min 4.3oz Blythswood Estate 2022


1oz Cascade pellets

1oz Centennial pellets

1oz Simcoe pellets

Chill to 90*F

Racked to primary

1oz Cascade pellets

1oz Centennial pellets

1oz Simcoe pellets

1pkg Safale US-05

OG 1.071

48-bottles 2022-10-31 01:14:20 GMT >>

Less ripe mango as I remember it. More piney. I drank immediately (canned on 2022-10-20).

tlorber 2022-10-31 01:12:26 GMT >>

tlorber 2022-06-26 14:22:44 GMT >>

Garden party

tlorber 2022-05-12 18:16:54 GMT >>

SURF THE EAST #surfing #eastcoast #northeast #gulfofmaine #surf #waverider #wetsuit #longboard

tlorber 2022-04-24 13:08:08 GMT >>

tlorber 2022-04-23 15:09:28 GMT >>

tlorber 2022-04-23 05:07:09 GMT >>

tlorber 2022-04-22 16:43:04 GMT >>

tlorber 2022-04-21 19:36:21 GMT >>

tlorber 2022-04-21 04:37:48 GMT >>


tlorber 2022-04-20 16:39:50 GMT >>

tlorber 2022-04-19 17:24:07 GMT >>

48-bottles 2020-10-30 22:03:20 GMT >>

Zero Gravity’s 40 Thieves

Canned 10/14/2020

Pours hazy straw. Light fine head. Mango/peach aroma. Smooth, small bite, pineapple finish.

48-bottles 2020-10-29 22:49:58 GMT >>

Pours hazy golden. Fine head. Smells clean, light malt. Bitter start and finish. Citrus, grapefruit hop flavor.

48-bottles 2020-08-19 23:32:38 GMT >>

48-bottles 2020-08-19 21:29:19 GMT >>
2020-08-19 Batch #47

12lb Rahr 2-row

2lb CaraFoam

1lb Flaked Oat

5gal Strike Water @ 165*F

60min Saccharification Rest @ 154*F

4.5gal Sparge Water @ 164*F

Collected all


60min 10mL Hopshot

10min 4oz Cleveland House fresh

10min 9oz Blytheswood Estate fresh


2oz Four Star Farms Cascade pellets 4.5%

1oz Four Star Farms Centennial pellets 10.5%

Chill to 90*F

Racked to primary

1oz Four Star Farms Cascade pellets 4.5%

2oz Four Star Farms Centennial pellets 10.5%

Pitched 1pkg Safale US-05

OG 1.057

48-bottles 2020-08-18 02:55:16 GMT >>
2020 Hop Harvest - Blytheswood Estate - 9oz

48-bottles 2020-08-17 16:29:20 GMT >>
2020 Hop Harvest - Cleveland House - 4oz

champagnewehad 2020-06-25 23:22:55 GMT >>

14th Anniversary - 1989 Chateau Lynch-Bages

metatooth 2020-06-20 16:51:17 GMT >>

It’s quick, simple, and easy to take an impression at home. Full details on our website at metatooth.com/impressions. In short, you fully mix the supplied putty, form into a snake/cigar and add to tray. Then bite and hold. Full instructions included with every kit. Save money when you order direct from metatooth.com #mouthhealth #selfcare

metatooth 2020-06-16 15:23:14 GMT >>

Sleeping Woman With a Cat. Wladyslaw Slewinski. 1896.

Get the rest you deserve! Teeth grinding and clenching is bad for your teeth and also your good night’s sleep. Take an impression at home for a custom mouthguard. It’s simple and convenient when you order direct from metatooth.com

brdibkd 2020-05-12 19:41:27 GMT >>

Pain au Levain

66% hydration (including leaven)

Pillsbury AP + Hodgson Whole Grain Rye

30 min autolyse

Knead by flap & fold

2 hour rise, overnight refrigerated fermentation

Heated oven to 500F

Turned to 425F to start

15min steam

45min total bake

brdibkd 2020-05-06 22:14:43 GMT >>

Pain au Levain

Whole Wheat AP & Rye

Very dense.

brdibkd 2020-05-06 00:49:49 GMT >>


One Mighty Mill Bread Flour

Recipe: America’s Test Kitchen

48-bottles 2019-12-20 05:23:19 GMT >>
Lorbeer Batch #31ALT

Lorbeer Batch #31

Malty sweet.

michaeltfournier 2019-08-30 03:44:03 GMT >>
Cabildo Quarterly #13 available now!


Cabildo Quarterly. Issue #13. Summer 2019. With new poetry, fiction and essays from Margarita Serafimova, Luke Kuzmish, Ama Birch, Ben Stein, Katherine Sinback, Bruce McRae and Jude Vachon. Available here. All right!

michaeltfournier 2019-07-23 19:32:31 GMT >>
"Paging All Punks!"

My new series of interviews with writers about punk rock for Razorcake series kicks off with this chat with Elizabeth Hand: http://razorcake.org/elizabeth-hand-interview-by-michael-t-fournier/

champagnewehad 2019-06-25 22:35:17 GMT >>

13th Anniversary - Taittinger N.V.

48-bottles 2019-05-10 03:18:22 GMT >>

Batch #45 Resin

brdibkd 2019-03-29 21:17:45 GMT >>

Rye-only starter. KAB flour. Double overnight refrigerated rise.

48-bottles 2019-03-20 23:45:17 GMT >>

Batch #42. Crystal clear, light straw, effervescent, generous head. Flat aroma and malt profile. Clean hop bite.

48-bottles 2019-03-14 01:15:27 GMT >>

Batch #46. Clear. Reddish brown. Fine head. A bit of hop aroma. Malty with good hop bite.

michaeltfournier 2019-03-07 05:11:07 GMT >>
The Sex Pistols and March Vladness

I wrote about the Sisterhood for March Vladness and the Sex Pistols for the RS 500.

48-bottles 2019-03-06 23:32:50 GMT >>

Batch #45. A touch cloudy. Thin head. Golden brown. Bitter but not much else.

48-bottles 2019-03-06 23:07:31 GMT >>

Batch #44 Pine/resin and bitter finish.

48-bottles 2019-03-06 02:20:02 GMT >>

Batch #43. Poured clear and golden. Little aroma. Fine head. Malty with neat bitterness. Did not notice the fruitiness of the previous bottle.

48-bottles 2019-03-06 02:18:25 GMT >>

Batch #23. Cider!

michaeltfournier 2018-11-15 20:35:55 GMT >>
"Physical Graffiti"

On grad school and Boy Scout camp and playing drums for The RS 500.

michaeltfournier 2018-08-21 19:29:57 GMT >>
Razorcake podcast #18

My eighteenth podcast for Razorcake is available now, featuring music by Collate, FCC, sister, brother and more!

michaeltfournier 2018-08-06 17:18:02 GMT >>
"If Ichiro Journaled Like Henry Rollins"

The long-awaited sliver of Black Flag and baseball fandom intersection at You Don’t Know Mojack. Thanks to Ryan and Brant.

michaeltfournier 2018-07-14 20:46:59 GMT >>
Cabildo Quarterly #12 out now!

Cabildo Quarterly #12, summer 2018 is available now! With new writing from Kaylee Duff, Timothy Berrigan, Kelli Stevens Kane, William Repass, Kurt Morris, Paula Coomer, Daryl Gussin,  Margaret Emma Brandl and Howie Good. Click here or get at us for hard copies.

michaeltfournier 2018-06-22 19:48:19 GMT >>
New Razorcake podcast

My seventeenth podcast for Razorcake is available now! Featruing new music by Lithics, 

michaeltfournier 2018-06-10 23:24:39 GMT >>

Here are the dates for this summer’s tour with Mike Faloon. We’re still looking for help in Michigan and/or Wisconsin – hit me up if you can help!

michaeltfournier 2018-06-08 21:36:43 GMT >>
On "The Outsider"

My review of Stephen King’s new one is up on Chicago Review of Books today.

michaeltfournier 2018-05-23 02:30:08 GMT >>
New Razorcake podcast

My sixteenth podcast for Razorcake  is available here, featuring new stuff by Spirits Having Fun, Protomartyr, Radon and more.

michaeltfournier 2018-05-08 18:18:03 GMT >>
"The Other Night At Quinn's"

I review Mike Faloon’s new free jazz book here for Vol. 1 Brooklyn.

michaeltfournier 2018-04-23 18:41:45 GMT >>
"The Female Persuasion"

My review of Meg Wolitzer’s new novel is up on The Collapsar.

michaeltfournier 2018-04-01 17:57:33 GMT >>
Dead Trend: "Computers for Seniors" EP

Dead Trend’s third release is available now.

michaeltfournier 2018-03-21 00:45:32 GMT >>
Razorcake podcast #14

With new stuff by Messthetics, Screaming Females, ExMaid, Secretary Legs and more! Click here.

michaeltfournier 2018-03-19 23:54:46 GMT >>
"Double Nickels On The Dime" podcast

I talk to those hosers at You Don’t Know Mojack about “Double Nickles” here. Dig it!

michaeltfournier 2018-03-12 18:34:12 GMT >>
"Your Phone"

New flash fiction up today on Gimmick Press. Dig it!

michaeltfournier 2018-02-13 19:43:33 GMT >>
On the B-52's

I wrote on their debut album for The RS 500.

michaeltfournier 2017-12-06 20:15:33 GMT >>
Weird Al and Razorcake

I wrote about Weird Al’s ‘Polkas on 45’ for Memoir Mixtapes.

Also, my eleventh podcast for Razorcake is up now.

michaeltfournier 2017-11-09 20:04:44 GMT >>
New Dead Trend single: "Age of Consent 2017"

To commemorate the first anniversary of you-know-what, Dead Trend has recorded a cover of New Order’s “Age of Consent.” Check it out here: https://deadtrend.bandcamp.com/track/age-of-consent-2017

brdibkd 2016-11-06 23:32:26 GMT >>
Pain au Levain

150g poolish
340g KA AP
45g rye flour
225g water

30min autolayse

8g salt
¼ tsp instant yeast

2 hour fermentation

Formed baguette

2 hour fermentation

49min at 425*F (first 15min steam)

brdibkd 2016-11-06 23:21:09 GMT >>

Pain au Levain

brdibkd 2016-10-09 15:37:33 GMT >>

200g poolish
400g KA AP
200g HM Rye
200g Water

30min autolayse

15g salt Knead by flap and fold. 2hr rise

graphs-i-made 2015-09-03 19:33:35 GMT >>


champagnewehad 2015-06-20 23:30:25 GMT >>

9th Anniversary

champagnewehad 2015-05-18 19:11:58 GMT >>

1st Anniversary

brdibkd 2015-05-18 03:47:31 GMT >>

Adapted from http://www.breadcetera.com/?p=71

300g poolish

200g KA Rye

550g KAAP

450g Water

15g Salt

2 tsp instant yeast


Add salt and yeast, knead by flap-and-fold

Let rise

Split into two

Let rise

Make boulets

Let rise

Bake @ 425*F 40min (15min steam)

elrollodemayo 2015-05-15 02:40:38 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-15 02:38:24 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-15 02:36:03 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-15 02:34:36 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-15 02:29:29 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-15 02:27:38 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-15 02:25:11 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-15 02:21:27 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-14 18:05:26 GMT >>

elrollodemayo 2015-05-14 17:53:34 GMT >>


champagnewehad 2014-06-27 14:38:53 GMT >>

7th Anniversary

champagnewehad 2014-06-27 14:37:19 GMT >>

8th Anniversary.

E-mail to tgl@rideside.net to add your tumblr.
Find me on github.