I assume everyone has heard Tommy Thompson's line about the fragility of our food supply, but why is this guy leaving? He seems like an honest Bushy...
More importantly, why is Rumsfeld, the clear incompetent, staying?
My new favorite blog has some good points.
"All that happened on his (Rumsfeld's) watch was an abysmal post-war plan and a prison scandal. This confirms that the only ones held accountable in this Administration are welfare mothers and struggling third grade students. For them, standards and accountability apply."
It would be funny, if were not true...
Story here
It really is just a matter of time...
Reported in the NY Times
Can we put it to a vote, like a "no confidence" vote or something? It seems like this is what the country and congress want, and needless to say, it would really help our efforts in Iraq. Just wondering...
A preliminary check on the official US Government (www.firstgov.gov) website only references Parliamentary governments which have votes of no confidence. Anyone else (i.e. someone smarter than me, which should be all y'all)know about this?
I'm just scared to find out what that might be (well, besides the war...) And this is coming from someone who is usually not a conspiracy theorist.
Plus, who the hell cares about Rummy, because he'll just get replaced by someone just as bad, or worse. At least we knew that we were getting the spawn of Satan with him...
I've got a broken face!
The idea I've been favoring recently is splitting the US into 3 or 4 separate countries. Look at the EU - it's a quarter to a third of the size of the US and they're having huge problems coming up with a cohesive administration they can all agree on and is actually representative of their respective parts to any kind of meaningful degree. What about The Northeast, The West Coast, The South, and This Midwest? Anyone with me?
Wolfowitz, Bremer, Tenet & Rumsfeld have in no way shown any merit in the policies and decisions and planning they have conducted over the past four years. It's seems a slap in the face to the relatives of our dead soldiers (another 22 today) and the tens of thousands of injuried solders that W, B & T should <b>merit</b> a Medal of Freedom and Rumsfled should <b>merit</b> a slap on the back and a "fine job".
It just galls me, that's all. I know Rumsfeld won't be replaced with Joe Biden, but... C'mon! Rummy's not doing a good job, even if you do think the policy is a good idea. Can I get some conservative voices to back me up on this one?
I guess I shouldn't whine so much, we do have the MBA president. Based on my experience with how corporations work, merit is not the top criteria when decisions are made.
Yes, there are many people worse than Rummy. But as someone whose read multiple biographies on him, he undoubtedly has gotten worse. The smugness, the disinformation, and the straight up lies are all a fairly recent development.
Story from The Voice in a nutshell: "If you go through with the lawsuits, we (the US) won't support NATO." I'd love to see Belgium and Germany call him on this one...
But Dawn-- You seriously don't think that W is trying to slip legislation through? He's drawing attention from the little things by saying grandiose things like 'mandate.' And the worst damage he's been doing (besides the 'war')is on a much less grand scale-- strongarming/hobbling departments that are supposed to hold him accountable for education, the environment, etc, and forcing through policies that will take 50 years to unravel.
I've got a broken face!
Christine Todd Whitman uses classic GOP speak about government regulation. She just says regulation is not the answer, but then refuses to give an answer. The EPA under Bush is still working to make the environment better (decreasing diesel pollution, increasing SUV mpg standards), even though it is run by lobbyists who refuse to persecute. But I don't think EPA workers go into the office at 9:00am and say, "How can we make our water supply worse?"
How about this Sierra Club article about "Clean Skies"?
I've got a broken face!
It's like uneducated conservatives: they honestly think Bush will lower their tax burdern, and they say as much. But when you show them the facts, they think you're trying to put one over on them. I think that Bush looks at that Sierra Club post and thinks they're trying to distort.
Jazz is not dead...it just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Plus Bush has appointed latinos and blacks, and although you could argue convincingly that they are elitist minorities, it seems a bit strained.
and that the so-called "uneducated" conservatives got a little frustrated by being talked down to by Mr. Kerry and it bit his party in the ass...
Jazz is not dead...it just smells funny. - F. Zappa
I'm not sure I understand this...
Jazz is not dead...it just smells funny. - F. Zappa
All Im getting at is that being informed about politics isnt as simple as one side being more educated than the other, and its also not as simple as an analogy of geometry.
Liberals and Conservatives both have a whole laundry list of facts, supporting arguments, etc, but I would argue that one's political side of choice doesnt necessarily have better or more correct facts than the other, and I feel like that is the message Dawn and others are trying to convey here.
Jazz is not dead...it just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Wrong. It says nothing about the "anti-Bush side" as a whole. But yes, anyone who disagrees with 2+2=4 does not know how to add.
Seems like we're going down the same road here about who lies more , and who has more facts. But educating others is not showing elitism.
You must be a Bush supportor b/c yr. so uneducated...
And a stupid person can also dislike Bush...
The stupidity of some on the Left is embarassing.
However, it seems that the Left is called to the mat far more often the Right, i.e., why is it that I have to defend Whoopi Goldberg to the last breathe, while Anne Coulter and G. Gordon Liddy are assumed to represent only a very fringe element on the Right?
Now everythings's left.
Terry G. however, is still a smarmy dick.