Uh oh.
It's clear the FCC's deregulation of news outlets has hurt the American media (not to mention killed people ie. North Dakota), but with
this things are about to get even worse. Michael Powell, I know you're not the Uncle Tom your father was, so please step the fuck down with him, and seperate yourself from this disaster...
FCC deregulation of media ownership is being targeted by Congress, yes?
While searching for the Powell link, I found <a href="http://www.nytimes.com/top/opinion/editorialsandoped/oped/contributors/">another example of his genius.</a>
-Michael K. Powell in the NY times 3 Dec. '04
Wow. Michael Powell is incharge of the FCC, and he leaves out the most important aspect of indecency: violence. As a mammal, humans must drink, eat, sweat, shit, and have sex to survive as a species. We don't have to kill people with saw-off shot guns while we deliver some bad pun. He's even worse than I thought...
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
The stereotype has always been that Repubs look the other way w/ violence and Dems look the other way w/ sex.
What about the notion that parents NEED TO BE WATCHING THEIR CHILDREN?
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
Lastly, I agree with Lieberman to a point: Maybe a five year old should not be able to purchase Grand Theft Auto?
dawn's use of the label Uncle Tom might be inappropriate considering his race, and the circumstances to which that label would apply. However, it's completely irrelavent to the problem at hand: why is the FCC's panties in a bunch about so-called obscene material, playing the parent as it were, when there are serious consequences when whole media markets are controlled by single entities?
The role of TV/Cable/Radio/Newspaper may have diminished with the advent of the internet, however, there still important news sources. In the case of broadcast companies, they are using a public resource to do business.
How about using competition of the free market to stop Clear Channel?
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
Again I ask: Do we all agree that breaking up monoplies is a good thing?
I wouldn't walk up to a Black person and say "My Nigger!". Terms like Uncle Tom & oreo are derogatory, specifically racially derogatory. Since I'm not Black, I'm not going to label someone else as a traitor to the Black race.
It also takes away from the argument about why the FCC should not be deregulating the broadcast industry. I don't care what color M. Powell's skin is, he's let the broadcast industry ride roughshod over the FCC.
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
Seems textbook.
I do care what color a person's skin is, especially minorites. I support affirmative action, because (as Yoav Bergner pointed out) status in society did not come from a vacuum. When minorities consciously hurt their own race and support others that do, it says a lot about their character.
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
Since I'm not Black, I'm going to refrain from determining who or who is not a racial sell-out to the African Americans whose ancestors were held in slavery. (Notice we need to start making a distinction between African Americans and those Americans from Africa who do not have darker skin, or whose ancestors were not forcefully brought to America to be slaves, e.g., Teresa Heinz, Barack Obama)
Here's where I agree with some conservatives: it's a bit hypocritical for me to denounce stereotypes on one hand, then I, as an outsider, start proclaiming people "not really Black" b/c they hold viewpoints that don't conform with the stereotype of what "proper" Blacks should think.
Happy 2nd Night of Channukah to all my kyke friends.
There are... a lot of comments about... um, who's more oppressed than you are, who's more oppressed than she is... more oppressed than thou...