A brief slice of slang
For better or worse blacks in America have embraced certain ethnic slurs. "Nigga" and "jig" come to mind immediately. -- Please tell me I do not need to explain the difference between "nigga" and "nigger." -- I have not heard the black community include "nigger," but they certainly have "Uncle Tom" with all its implications. When Chuck D and David Chapel routinely use Uncle Tom (Aceylone just uses "Tommy") it becomes part of America's slang, meaning a black person who purposely hurts blacks for there own personal gain.
"How is not using the stereotypical terms nigger and Uncle Tom perpetuating stereotypes?... Where a group of white men might use nigger to break down stereotypes, the same group is clearly upholding a stereotype when using Uncle Tom." -tgl
Not using terms obviously does nothing. Scolding those that do, does. For a person to group Uncle Tom and nigger (not nigga) together shows that you have missed something. "Nigger" is a race cut down. It has no real meaning like "honky" or "spic", and it reveals more about the person using it and nothing about the person prescribed to it. Uncle Tom, jig, and nigga have meaning that was embraced by blacks. Newt Gingrich is not my nigga. Barack Obama is not an Uncle Tom.
Finally, can we get passed what people should and should not be doing based on race?
I agree, let's get passed what people should or should be doing based on race! Michael Powell would be spineless whether he's Black or White, or whether I'm Black or White.
Colin Powell may be an Uncle Tom, however, maybe his actions are better explained by is financial status, not his racial status. Class trumps race in this country.
Nigger: n. Offensive slang. 1.a. Used as a disparaging term for a Black person. b. Used as a disparaging term for a member of any dark-skinned people 2. Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people.
I challenge you to tell me that your definition of "nigga" isn't definition number 2.
FWIW: Honky, Spic and Uncle Tom are all labelled "Offensive Slang." How we can say none of them mean anything is kind of disingenious.
Sorry, bizquiq, you are very wrong...
If Dawn feels Colin or Michael Powell is an asshole: Bravo! Lets leave it at that.
The whole 'Uncle Tom' thing is silly.
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
Colin Powell's actions are better explained by his racial status. Becoming the Secretary of State and "face" of an adminstration that hurt and disenfranchised so many blacks in the past two elections, says a lot more when he's black than if he's rich. The reason the black community dislikes Powell being a Bushy is not because he's rich; it's because he's black.
I'll grant Bush this: he's comfortable surrounding himself with women & minorities. Then again, they're all ideologically the same. Did you click through to the <a href="http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1101041213-880301,00.html">Tavis Smalley interview</a> from A. Sullivan?
Having said all that, 'nigger' has always beer the most offensive slang to me because it points back to the day when blacks were slaves- using 'nigger' as a putdown is referring back to that time when blacks were considered to be less than human.
This piece also shows how middle of the road NPR actually is.
I'm not as optimistic about Colin's reasons for leaving as you are, i.e., he did it out of some moral outrage.
Wouldn't just be easier to say whether or not we think politician x has done a good job or not, or is it always necessary to give politician x a report card on what he's has or has not done for his/her race lately?
I just am having a hard time with this whole thread....
ho hum..
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
I bet you Lady Powell said something to Colin. Isn't the rumor that she stopped Colin for running for office?
"Why the fuck do you even care?"
--I care because it says a lot about the character of our Secretary of State, our "face to the world." And even though I'm white, I care about the minorities in my country.
"Why are we making this such a racial issue?"
-- Because we are taking about race and slang in this thread, and how it applies to - and speaks of - our government.
"Why are we having these academic defenses of what we mean by slang words?"
-- I started it because I love etymology. It facinates me.
"Wouldn't just be easier to say whether or not we think politician x has done a good job or not, or is it always necessary to give politician x a report card on what he's has or has not done for his/her race lately?"
-- I don't think any of us always do it, nor is it necessary. We don't talk about what Hillary has done for whites people. That's silly. Plus, I think it is more about what they have done against a race, or kowtowing, as I best heard it.