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Posted by G lib on 2004-12-17 21:02:03 +0000

Hebrew Hammer

If you missed the screening of "The Hebrew Hammer" at Miriam's on Wednesday, you really ought to rent it.

Who's going to make their first million making fuzzy dreidels to hang on people's rear view mirrors?

Posted by tgl on 2004-12-20 14:35:10 +0000
I'm still confused RE: tattoos.

Posted by Honar the librarian on 2004-12-20 18:13:08 +0000
I have it on authority of the director:

"whadya want? jews aren't supposed to have premarital sex either! get over it." (I paraphrased a little)

(Also, given a limited shooting time, they didn't have 5 hours a day to put cover up on the already present tatoos)

Posted by tgl on 2004-12-20 19:05:33 +0000
Whoa! Whoa! Rabbi JB the J (redundant?) has always purported that Yahweh is way into pre-marital sex.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-12-20 19:34:18 +0000
Premarital sex in Judaism is like Bokononism, everyone digs it, but part of diggin it is sayin that you don't, yo?

Plus, Jesus did it all the time, and he was Heebier than thou.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2004-12-20 19:54:53 +0000
If by "Heebier" you mean "gayer", than yeah...

Posted by tgl on 2004-12-20 20:07:25 +0000
Dang. Bokononism?

Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-12-20 20:13:30 +0000
Read your Vonnegut. It's the religion in Cat's Cradle. Joe Satriani read it.

Posted by frame609 on 2004-12-21 05:32:18 +0000
Jason drops the Vonnegut Fagan.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2004-12-21 14:04:43 +0000
Boom! Like a ton of bricks!

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