Look, I realise that I'm jumping on BQ's train, but I'm a teensy bit addicted. BQ, after all, is a gateway drug.
No one will be surprised at my results...
stephen malkmus (pavement): he is clever, and you are hot shit. go find a shady lane and fuck off!
Get your own!
e-mail me offlist (find my info in the 'gangmemberslink')! I need yr contact info like yesterday if you want me to snail or e-mail you cute baby ladew photos!
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
Ed & I are totally living through other people's kids until we feel grown up enough to spawn some of our own. I'll e-mail you now.
Oh, and Quizilla was having some problems yesterday - I rechecked the link and I think it's recovered. I blame hordes of chicks in stripey t-shirts taking the test repeatedly to try & get the guy from Bright Eyes...
<br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/jinster/quizzes/who's%20your%20indie%20rock%20boyfriend%3F/"> <font size="-1">who's your indie rock boyfriend?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
“The outer space beings are my brothers. They sent me here. They already know my music.†--SUN RA
<br><br><a href="http://quizilla.com/users/jinster/quizzes/who's%20your%20indie%20rock%20boyfriend%3F/"> <font size="-1">who's your indie rock boyfriend?</font></a><BR> <font size="-3">brought to you by <a href="http://quizilla.com">Quizilla</a></font>
I tried to answer as if I was dating BQ.
Adam Green is never going to read what you write about him. He is the biggest loner that you'll ever meet. He's never had a girlfriend and most of his sexual experiences over the last few years have been with hookers.
If you want to find him, he's probably at Kellogg's diner or watching a movie. Either way, he is most likely spaced out with his mouth hanging open. He works on songs most days.
He was bullied in high school, so he needs love all the time...
<a href="http://www.rideside.net/drupal/?q=forum/10">fotog</a>