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i ride sideways
Posted by rladew on 2004-12-27 12:50:32 +0000

December 27th is....


I just got done listening to the 27 minute version of 'Poopship Destroyer'

Gene and Dene have a concept of doing this song live in an arena where a propelled Blimp sprays the audience with some kind of fake diahrrea a la GWAR or something.

Gene and Dene call their pending invention something like the 'poop mister'

Goddam I love this band....

Posted by frame609 on 2004-12-27 19:07:33 +0000
So....how do you feel, after 27 minutes of Poop Ship Destroyer?

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-27 21:06:29 +0000
preety freekin great truth be told!


Jazz is not dead...it just smells funny. - F. Zappa

Posted by on 2004-12-27 21:08:25 +0000
I was considering getting the Ween live album the other day (among other things, "Stallion Pt. 1" through part five). Should I have pulled the trigger?

Maybe I should be content with Guava and consider getting The Pod, or God Ween Satan?

Then again, is my need for Ween really that great?

Posted by rladew on 2004-12-28 14:37:55 +0000
yes, TGL it is! The need for Ween will not be denied!
Chocolate and Cheese ,The Pod. God Ween Satan, 12 Golden Country Greats, Quebec.... yr wallet is calling you into the service of Ween!!!


Jazz is not dead...it just smells funny. - F. Zappa

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