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Posted by tgl on 2004-05-12 05:28:54 +0000

my new scoring technique is unstoppable

I scored my second game. The most interesting aspects of the game (May 11, 2004 Red Sox 5, Indians 3) was the 2 run first inning where Pete Martinez had 3 K's (he finished with 11) and the eighth inning. Forthwith: After two outs, there was a double, double, single, then D. McCarty (hitting for B. Daubach, hitting for P. Reese) had a pinch hit, two run scoring, triple. Damn. Oh yeah, Bob Ryan signed my scorecard.

Posted by frame609 on 2004-05-12 08:31:54 +0000
....and the sportswriter Fagin! No, seriously, Terry G. sure can score.

Posted by edward on 2004-05-12 17:55:46 +0000
four years. My guess would be he didn't have too many at Stanford either...

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