In 2005 I'll...
<a href=""><img src="" width=600 alt="GYWO"></a>
Yes, it is time for tsunami jokes.
In 2005 I'll...
1) no longer start forum topics, I'll be content to post blog content.
2) watch the Red Sox win the World Series.
3) compete in a <a href="">NENSA</a> event.
4) incorporate commentable RIOT listings on this website.
5) read Brothers K, Beloved, White Noise, Tropic of Cancer, Girl with the Brown Hair, re-read Broom of the System, re-re-read Gravity's Rainbow, re-re-re-read Ulysses.
I'd be down with the Brothers K reading group.
Aught Nickel?
And I'd do gb too, since dawn bixtler thinks I'd like it so damn much.