Posted by ethanewalliance on 2005-01-10 01:02:52 +0000
The iPod is working.
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-10 01:41:22 +0000
We have a confirmed Ethan sighting!
Posted by on 2005-01-10 15:13:55 +0000
I categorically denounce the notion that the RIAA needs to produce good music, w/o overcharging for the delivery medium, to make sustainable profits.
I want my $20 Creed CD!
Posted by rladew on 2005-01-10 18:20:00 +0000
My brother in law just bought the new NAS album @ FYE.
FYE is satan.... cds are like $20 USD just as tgl laments..
Here's my (semi unlegit strategy):
- Listen / lurk / sample I for more mainstream artists to find what Im interested in with quick and easy to listen to samples
-If i like it and want to hear more, go to Soul Seek or Bit Torrent
- If I become passionate, curious, otherwise interested, go to an online vendor such as, ebay, insound, dischord, downtown music gallery ( or
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Posted by tgl on 2005-01-10 18:33:51 +0000
You could also <a href="">help me get a free iPod by signing up with BMG Music</a>.
Posted by rladew on 2005-01-10 18:59:15 +0000
cough up the $400 USD through the tax refund you'll get like you did for the Technics SL 12 knockoff....
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Posted by tgl on 2005-01-10 19:04:19 +0000
One more time: IT WAS A REBATE! ;)
(...and it was only $300)
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-01-10 19:11:04 +0000
Best $400 you can spend. So spend it, asshole.
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-10 19:13:29 +0000
Maybe once I finish the marathon....
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-01-10 19:29:43 +0000
Thank you tgl. rladew learn your tax code...
Posted by tgl on 2005-01-10 19:46:14 +0000
If it came with an AM receiver... I might be hooked.
Posted by tgl on 2005-01-11 16:02:38 +0000
Ack. I was thinking about this in the shower this morning (sick, aren't I?). REBATE isn't really the proper term either. How about "early receipt of <i>possible</i> refund"?
I want my $20 Creed CD!
FYE is satan.... cds are like $20 USD just as tgl laments..
Here's my (semi unlegit strategy):
- Listen / lurk / sample I for more mainstream artists to find what Im interested in with quick and easy to listen to samples
-If i like it and want to hear more, go to Soul Seek or Bit Torrent
- If I become passionate, curious, otherwise interested, go to an online vendor such as, ebay, insound, dischord, downtown music gallery ( or
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
(...and it was only $300)