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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-10 04:00:09 +0000

Fuck Carmen Sandiego-

Where in the world is Pam?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-01-10 11:26:13 +0000
For fuck's sake, dude, I've been sick. And I'm talking orange snot sick. And beyond that, Rory's titty post (albeit one of the most exciting posts I've seen for quite a while) keeps crashing my home computer. OK, my *husband's* home computer. Translation: I am 100% positive that the borderline-dirty content vis-a-vis boobage would not bring this sucker down (although if there was no actual nipple leather, perhaps the computer crashed out of sheer frustration - I mean, really, in Holland we have late-night call-girl TV commercials featuring full-on shorn beaver - if a display entitled "Big Ass Titties" can't deliver on the n.l. front, then where are we as a civilisation, hm?).

So I can only blame Al Queda. Or Iraq. I keep getting those guys mixed up... Damned FOX television.

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