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Posted by rladew on 2005-01-10 18:31:14 +0000

Media is biased towards the right.

Are you sure about this guys? cbs news (Ed: fixup link)

Posted by tgl on 2005-01-10 18:31:52 +0000
Sorry to rain on your party, but: "the Panel cannot conclude that a political agenda at 60 Minutes Wednesday drove either the timing of the airing of the segment or its content."

Posted by tgl on 2005-01-10 18:47:26 +0000
Don't get me wrong, these guys completely failed in their journalistic mission. Journalists who hype evidence that is false or forged as the truth should probably lose their job. It's too bad they don't work for the Administration, they'd have gotten a Medal of Freedom for their efforts.

Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-10 18:59:04 +0000
I just read an essay by Chuck Klosterman about the relative slant of members of the media vs. the corporations that own it. Pretty crazy; I should copy it and pass it around. Anyway: yeah, the journalists did a shitty job with the story, but the fact that they were reporting on it (or, perhaps more to the point, trying to) doesn't denote any sort of bias, one way or the other. If they had gotten better sources, it would have been a *killer* story, perhaps the kind that wins prizes.

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-01-10 19:27:34 +0000
Yes, rladew. Yes, I am. It would be a more interesting story if the alleged forgeries were refuted by someone. Seriously, has ANYONE heard ANYWHERE that they are not entirely factual, though perhaps not authentic? How beat up is CBS getting? And still FoxNews stays in business... It's funny you bring it up this week after the Bush Adminstration [url=http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-01-06-williams-whitehouse_x.htm?POE=NEWISVA] got caught [/url] paying commentator Armstrong Williams $240,000 to promote "No Child Left Behind" on News and Radio Shows without disclosing that your tax money was being spent on propoganda. Disgusting, illegal and, yes, slanted. Not a good week for the conservative media...

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-01-26 19:54:30 +0000
[url=http://www.drudgereport.com/flash3mg.htm]Here we go again![/url] Bush Caught Again: [b]Yet another columnist paid to promote a Bush Proposal.[/b] This getting really bad. Some would argue impeachable... And Maggie Gallagher better lose her syndication. How many are there? Dozens? Hundreds? Your tax dollars, Not at work!!!

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-03-14 03:43:30 +0000
[url=http://www.nytimes.com/2005/03/13/politics/13covert.html?]Holy Fucking shit![/url] [b]PLEASE EVERYONE[/b] tell the FCC this ain't right. Sign the petition at [url=http://www.stopfakenews.org/] Stop Fake News [/url]. I think this sealed it: Bush's legacy will be deceit, and that's about it...

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-05-26 01:07:46 +0000
Wow, we all suspected, but FOX News [url=http://mediamatters.org/items/200505250007]calling the Republicans "we."[/url] From TPM. I wonder if they will start calling the Democrats "the opposition? "Fair and balanced." Can they stop with that already?

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-05-27 01:36:10 +0000
This has blown up. Tonight Fox News, while I couldn't hear it, I could see it on TV at a bar (with subtitles), was trying to talk about all the screw ups newscasters have done historically. They showed vintage 80's stuff and all that. So fucked up. Like Fox News is actually impartial. No apology, just a "slip of the tongue" discussion. ABC, NBC, CBS, NPR, UPN, WB anc CNN should run with this. So what was this about the media leaning left? Hee hee hee...

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