That is by far the most satisfying article I've read in a very long time.
Posted by rladew on 2005-01-12 02:07:41 +0000
A Blast From My Past, Kathleen Robbins (whom I believe is also a Concord NH High School grad... am I wrong about this F Tang?)
sent me a link to this yesterday.
I tried to reduce her Belle and Sebastian intake with a healthy amount of WU mixtapes back in the day. Im pretty sure it ddn't work, but At least I got a cool e-mail from her.
In other ODB news:
- he made the front cover of the Source (it actually looks like a pretty good story, but I haven't read it yet)
- The new "Osirus" Mix tape is out with beats / landscape from DJ Premier of Gangstarr (!) Haven't heard the whole thing yet, but I heard one of the tunes off <p><a href =""> Sirius radio</a></p> (On Shade 45: Eminems channel nonetheless!) the other night after I got done vacuuming and cleaning Maddie's jumperoo (God Bless Fisher Price!)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-12 04:36:39 +0000
Kathleen is a Concord High alum- I was too intimidated to ever talk to her, alas, when I was a kid.
sent me a link to this yesterday.
I tried to reduce her Belle and Sebastian intake with a healthy amount of WU mixtapes back in the day. Im pretty sure it ddn't work, but At least I got a cool e-mail from her.
In other ODB news:
- he made the front cover of the Source (it actually looks like a pretty good story, but I haven't read it yet)
- The new "Osirus" Mix tape is out with beats / landscape from DJ Premier of Gangstarr (!) Haven't heard the whole thing yet, but I heard one of the tunes off <p><a href =""> Sirius radio</a></p> (On Shade 45: Eminems channel nonetheless!) the other night after I got done vacuuming and cleaning Maddie's jumperoo (God Bless Fisher Price!)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa