Remember that year at UNH when it was like illegal to say the word 'freshman' because it was sexist? The whole 'first year student' thing? My god! It's no wonder we all paid lip service to that first Bikini Kill 12".
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-01-14 18:45:59 +0000
Don't forget "Second year student," because (I can't believe I'm even typing this with a straight face) sopHOMOre was offensive to gays.
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-14 18:47:13 +0000
is that true?
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-14 18:48:02 +0000
Q: Why do new brides always wear white?
A: So the new dishwasher matches the rest of the kitchen set.
Posted by on 2005-01-14 19:14:47 +0000
Please tell me that you two were not both at home for these posts, which occurred at roughly the same time.
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-14 19:17:50 +0000
We weren't home. And we certainly don't IM rather than actually speaking to each other.
Posted by tgl on 2005-01-14 19:19:18 +0000
I know that Jason and I exchanged emails while at Bothwell a few times.
Posted by G lib on 2005-01-14 20:22:08 +0000
Goddamn! your're nerdy.
Like whoa...
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-01-14 20:24:16 +0000
only because we weren't speaking to each other at the time
Posted by G lib on 2005-01-14 20:27:30 +0000
You couldn't both sit in the booth and talk it over like the over-caffeinated college students that we all were?
Like whoa...
Posted by G lib on 2005-01-14 20:29:04 +0000
BTW-- They use 'first-year' here at Harvard.
Like whoa...
Posted by tgl on 2005-01-14 20:53:23 +0000
We... are... men!
(Read with an inflection similar to: Who... does... number... two... work... for!)
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-01-15 09:35:46 +0000
Wait one minute, buster!!
Are you referring to the self-titled one with "Suck My Left One", or the split 12" with Huggy Bear which featured "Rebel Girl"? Those are both classic songs! I mean, an album band they are not, but...
And I'd also like to say that the only reason you thought it was illegal to say "freshman" at UNH was because you always had the hots for all those sexy little angry feminists with their short haircuts and confusing ideas about strippers and porn.
Posted by Rory_Stark on 2005-01-15 17:08:38 +0000
Thanks Ani D'Franco
(said like the kid in that Easter commercial)
Posted by rladew on 2005-01-15 21:09:52 +0000
Was it B. Kill or Huggybear that made it to DurHAM (dont you think they ought to rename the town because it singles out pork products?
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-15 23:11:22 +0000
Huggy Bear played with Sinkhole one year.
Pam, don't you remember the letters in TNH regarding the whole fresman/first year student thing? It was completely crazy. Then, the next year, the whole thing went away and it was like nothing happened.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-01-16 13:04:19 +0000
You actually read TNH? I mean, apart from the arts section... :)
But seriously, there was a freshperson brou-ha-ha? I just remember all those cute & angry grrrls protesting Store 24 selling "porn" (just Playboy & Hustler - not even Juggs or Barely Legal) because it's "degrading to women". Hilarious (and sad) that some so-called feminists put so much energy into side-issues like linguistic subtleties and pictures of naked people.
Is Ani DiFranco really in an Easter commercial over there? Is she dressed as a bunny?
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-16 17:28:37 +0000
There totally was a brouhaha, yeah- there were letters and editorials and editorials about the editorials, etc. It was all pretty crazy. Then the editorship changed and the whole thing was totally gone.
I never saw the feminists in front of the Store 24. When I went there, I usually just saw Paul the bum (aka Pnuemershonik.)
Posted by rladew on 2005-01-16 21:32:49 +0000
I wish I had the guts to buy porn back then... would have been fun to get just to anger those PC Bullies....
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-01-16 22:22:22 +0000
Did you ever see the documentary about him? Matt Jasper made it. He was schizophrenic - I saw it around the time I started reading that collected letters from that man who thought he was Jesus.
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-17 01:56:57 +0000
I never saw the doc, but I did hear about him from Melissa when I worked at the Toast.
Posted by G lib on 2005-01-18 16:29:40 +0000
Pamsterdam wrote:
"Hilarious (and sad) that some so-called feminists put so much energy into side-issues like linguistic subtleties and pictures of naked people."
I'll have to come right out and admit it--I did Women's Studies at UNH, and probably was the epitome of the 'cute and angry grrrl.' I was bald for a time, and stopped shaving when I was 20.
Yes, you could say that I'm probably still an angry feminist. I work in the Women's history library for god's sake (where we use the least beauty products per group in the whole city-- Lesbian bars don't hold a candle to us.) My feminist mantra has always been about giving voice to the idea that women should be strong, independent, and even crass if they want to. But, unlike many of my offended co-workers, I thought it was hilarious that one of my students wore a "I am the Bride" t-shirt to work at the women's history library without a hint of irony.
Like whoa...
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-01-18 17:29:31 +0000
I'm with you, G, you cute & angry grrrl you! :)
But, at the risk of becoming far too serious (and receiving multiple jokey replies, plus possibly pissing off The Ladies)...
...I've always considerd myself to be a humanist rather than a feminist. The world has been waiting decades for the men's movement - and where is it? It kills me that the same sexist thinking that has kept women from achieving their full potential (at work, in life, in love) has also kept men from achieving their full potential. Men are told, "don't be afraid to cry" and "don't be a pussy" nearly in the same breath. The same women who say "treat me like your equal" still expect men to pay for dinner. Men have fewer rights when it comes to work issues like paternity leave and legal issues like child custody. I've always defined feminism for myself as wanting women to succeed and do well and be judged based on their personal qualities rather than their gender. But I also want that for men. We have a long way to go on both counts, but I guess it comes down to women deserving more money & power and men deserving more respect.
Am I the only one thinking of Magnolia right now? RESPECT THE COCK!
Posted by rladew on 2005-01-19 02:19:25 +0000
I saw the KRS cd that had'Suck My Left One' @ Strawberries when I got TV On The Radio and The Arcade Fire for $10 each. (Im still digging Hall and Oates More... wTF is my problem?)
B Kill was used for $4 USD I believe.
I have no soul. I like buying indie records on the cheap from Strawberries. A motherfucker like me crossing the Mass / RI border is in search of some legit record stores...
Calling Rory Stark: Whats good for record stores in Wooostah?
(I guess I'll make a new thread so we can talk about the oppresion of men and womyn (haha) a bit more here...)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Posted by tgl on 2005-01-19 15:49:43 +0000
Don't talk about it man... Just do it! Do it!
Posted by rladew on 2005-01-19 16:05:22 +0000
A Rollins Fagen in a feminist thread!
I love (TM)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Posted by frame609 on 2005-01-19 18:39:37 +0000
I am listening to my fifth Black Flag CD in 24 hours.
Posted by rladew on 2005-01-19 21:35:41 +0000
My War - SST - Used @ Newbury for $8 USD (Maybe in 2005 I can complete the discography...)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
A: So the new dishwasher matches the rest of the kitchen set.
Like whoa...
Like whoa...
Like whoa...
(Read with an inflection similar to: Who... does... number... two... work... for!)
Are you referring to the self-titled one with "Suck My Left One", or the split 12" with Huggy Bear which featured "Rebel Girl"? Those are both classic songs! I mean, an album band they are not, but...
And I'd also like to say that the only reason you thought it was illegal to say "freshman" at UNH was because you always had the hots for all those sexy little angry feminists with their short haircuts and confusing ideas about strippers and porn.
(said like the kid in that Easter commercial)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Pam, don't you remember the letters in TNH regarding the whole fresman/first year student thing? It was completely crazy. Then, the next year, the whole thing went away and it was like nothing happened.
But seriously, there was a freshperson brou-ha-ha? I just remember all those cute & angry grrrls protesting Store 24 selling "porn" (just Playboy & Hustler - not even Juggs or Barely Legal) because it's "degrading to women". Hilarious (and sad) that some so-called feminists put so much energy into side-issues like linguistic subtleties and pictures of naked people.
Is Ani DiFranco really in an Easter commercial over there? Is she dressed as a bunny?
I never saw the feminists in front of the Store 24. When I went there, I usually just saw Paul the bum (aka Pnuemershonik.)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
"Hilarious (and sad) that some so-called feminists put so much energy into side-issues like linguistic subtleties and pictures of naked people."
I'll have to come right out and admit it--I did Women's Studies at UNH, and probably was the epitome of the 'cute and angry grrrl.' I was bald for a time, and stopped shaving when I was 20.
However, at UNH, I felt exactly the same way as Pam did-- linguistic subtleties and nudity never bothered me all that much. I ignored TNH articles about the topic. However, I was always up for protesting something like Stupid Harvard President Summers shooting his mouth off about Women's Biological Destiny.
Yes, you could say that I'm probably still an angry feminist. I work in the Women's history library for god's sake (where we use the least beauty products per group in the whole city-- Lesbian bars don't hold a candle to us.) My feminist mantra has always been about giving voice to the idea that women should be strong, independent, and even crass if they want to. But, unlike many of my offended co-workers, I thought it was hilarious that one of my students wore a "I am the Bride" t-shirt to work at the women's history library without a hint of irony.
Like whoa...
But, at the risk of becoming far too serious (and receiving multiple jokey replies, plus possibly pissing off The Ladies)...
...I've always considerd myself to be a humanist rather than a feminist. The world has been waiting decades for the men's movement - and where is it? It kills me that the same sexist thinking that has kept women from achieving their full potential (at work, in life, in love) has also kept men from achieving their full potential. Men are told, "don't be afraid to cry" and "don't be a pussy" nearly in the same breath. The same women who say "treat me like your equal" still expect men to pay for dinner. Men have fewer rights when it comes to work issues like paternity leave and legal issues like child custody. I've always defined feminism for myself as wanting women to succeed and do well and be judged based on their personal qualities rather than their gender. But I also want that for men. We have a long way to go on both counts, but I guess it comes down to women deserving more money & power and men deserving more respect.
Am I the only one thinking of Magnolia right now? RESPECT THE COCK!
B Kill was used for $4 USD I believe.
I have no soul. I like buying indie records on the cheap from Strawberries. A motherfucker like me crossing the Mass / RI border is in search of some legit record stores...
Calling Rory Stark: Whats good for record stores in Wooostah?
(I guess I'll make a new thread so we can talk about the oppresion of men and womyn (haha) a bit more here...)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
A Rollins Fagen in a feminist thread!
I love (TM)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa