"I'm trying to think of what excuses they're saying in their locker room right now. What rules do they want to change now? Maybe it'll be, 'We can't play a game if it snows.' I don't know. I was just tired of it. I was tired of hearing this and that, talking about the last game and how we didn't win the game, they lost the game by giving the ball away. Last time I checked, turnovers are when defenses take it away. And we just took it away again today. To hold that offense to three points, I mean, their players are great. I respect what Peyton Manning did this year. I respect those players. Sometimes you've just got to be quiet and play football."
- Tedy Bruschi (on ESPN.com)
Indianapolis kicker Mike Vanderjagt's grand pronouncements about the Patriots being "ripe for the picking" obviously were off the mark, and it did not go unnoticed by Willie McGinest.
"I guess he did his job -- he got his 3," said McGinest sarcastically. "Good for him. Really, for a guy that hardly plays to talk like that, it's kind of amusing. If Edgerrin James or Peyton Manning said it, then maybe I would have taken it more personally. But I just dusted that clown off my shoulder and kept moving."
What Would Vinatieri Do?