It happened. And sadly it wasn't even close, 14-2(Boxer and Kerry). So now the person who headed the greatest failure in the United States national security history, not only kept her job, but just got a promotion.
Honest question: How could Bush over look that Sept. 11th thing on her resume? Seriously, how short is his memory? Like three years? I don't get it.
Good thing we're holding those forth grade teachers accountable.
I may puke.
Just curious....
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
I'd like to think my education was better than the <a href="">high school webpage</a>.
Gonzales isn't the mastermind behind torture and abuses by the US military/intelligence/justice communities, but he is the enabler.
Rice merely overlook Richard Clarke's hysteria (much like everyone in the Clinton Administration), and approved of the use of force in Iraq without sufficient cause (much like nearly every other foreign war the U.S. has gotten into). Small potatoes.
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
Honar might disagree.
<a href="">This school</a> can't even figure out how to get their website to work on a standard browser.
Or do you mean who would I nominate for Sec. 'o State? How about Wesley Clark? McCain? Richard Lugar? Joe Biden? Bill Maher? Bill Belichik? Anyone who has shown competence.
Yes, it's cool that Bush nominated a gay, black woman to be the face of our country, but that Sept. 11th thing makes it downright awkward. Yes, she's a Bush friend, but shouldn't ability be factored in? Talk to my mom about Rice's stint as Provost of Stanford; it wasn't pretty.
Osama Bin Forgotten?
A private army Not regulated by the govt probably would have done a better job pursuing / capturing OBL....
There might have been many competent firms COMPETING for the business...
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
A private army Not regulated by the govt probably would have done a better job pursuing / capturing OBL....
There might have been many competent firms COMPETING for the business...
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
How many private security contractors are the "face" of the United States in Iraq right now? I'm not too comfortable with the thought that the people with the most contact with Iraqi civilians are more likely to be paid mercenaries than professional soldiers.
Cut the Defense budget by 70%, and give out bidded contracts to any Military company not already convicted of multiple counts of fraud. Sorry Haliburton and Brown & Root. No more $$Billions$$ for your ass.
How do get this started?
"Impugning my credibility or my integrity." Please, Ms. Rice, you're an world reknown liar. Can you just answer the questions?
Final vote Wednesday...
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa
(sorry I couldn't resist)
Jazz is not just smells funny. - F. Zappa