Q: What happened the last time the Sox got blown out on opening day?
A: They won the World Series.
And last year it was with a sub-par, overweight Sidney Ponson pithcing for the opposing team, not Randy Johnson.
Posted by uncle on 2005-04-04 18:46:09 +0000
Man, did not feal good watching that game last night. Agree with Lorber, MFY playing as individuals, but if they start to click, shit just hand them the title. Yanks = trouble. Not only with Johnson, but Matsui will be better this year and so will A Rod, Giambi looks good back at first- plus Martinez as backup- not good for the Sox.
Worried about the Sox. Feel like they need better starting pitching to be competative in a division with MFY. Also feel like they should not have let D Roberts or D Lowe go- not that either would have helped last night. I know it was the firt time in a sox uniform, but I think Renteria did not look as good as Cabrera in the field.
On a good note, how fantastic was it to see Ortiz running for extra bases? Phe-fucking-nominal. Love that guy
Worried about the Sox. Feel like they need better starting pitching to be competative in a division with MFY. Also feel like they should not have let D Roberts or D Lowe go- not that either would have helped last night. I know it was the firt time in a sox uniform, but I think Renteria did not look as good as Cabrera in the field.
On a good note, how fantastic was it to see Ortiz running for extra bases? Phe-fucking-nominal. Love that guy