<i>"Hardcore Stricken Fagan at the Wad caused dance party Total Kenobi."</i> Rory_Stark
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-04-06 16:47:34 +0000
I want to go with both of you!
Alas, Ed(ward) and I won't be stateside again until July/August. Any free movies then? :)
Posted by rladew on 2005-04-06 18:48:27 +0000
I saw on the friends feature of Netflix (which kicks ass BTW) that Mike F was none too enthused by this Donnie Darko character...
is the Directors Cut an improvement over the original? MikeF, Rladew, are the names to add on Netflix friends if you have the guts..)
I did enjoy the Tears For Fears 'Head over Heels' High school montage in the beginning...
Posted by frame609 on 2005-04-07 03:26:55 +0000
I thought that movie was a colossal piece of shit.
Posted by rladew on 2005-04-07 15:08:37 +0000
I got that from yr rating but I was just curious what you disliked...
Posted by tgl on 2005-04-07 16:00:57 +0000
The _one_ issue more divisive than the 2004 election.
Donnie Darko: like or dislike?
Posted by rladew on 2005-04-07 18:28:48 +0000
so if Nov 2004 is red vs. blue,
what would
Donnie Darko (October 2001 for those keeping score or addicted to imdb.com) be? Jim cunnighams vs. The bunny rabbits?
I dunno...
Posted by frame609 on 2005-04-07 18:44:39 +0000
My opinion makes me a red state, I think.
Posted by Miriam on 2005-04-07 20:34:06 +0000
I'm hoping to get there around 7:30 and go get a bunch of seats with Astrid. We're dining in Chinatown before the show. I'll have my cell with me if you want to meet up: 617-930-4987.
Clearly, I'm with the bunny. Frank didn't mean it, Cunningham is a sick-o. For real.
Sparkle Motion should really be on the ticket anyway!
Posted by rladew on 2005-04-08 16:31:11 +0000
mmmmm no comment :)
Posted by Miriam on 2005-04-08 18:58:11 +0000
It was the director's cut last night. Totally great. Totally different. Less guesswork. Picked up on more context clues, including the red camero or whatever kind of car it was that Frank was driving at the end.
Packed house. Astrid was a first-timer. Very cool.
When I got home, two neighbors were getting out of a car and introduced themselves. Turns out one of them works at Harvard and the other was in a band with one of Stoops' old bandmates, and they've been getting my mail and not giving it to me! Including a holiday card from Stoops. Lame. They seem nice and I'm going to invite them to my next Q.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-04-10 15:15:51 +0000
They've been getting your mail for months and not giving it to you, and you're inviting them to your next Q?
Miriam, you are a very forgiving woman. I'd be putting dog poop through their letterbox as we speak...
Posted by Miriam on 2005-04-11 15:05:06 +0000
It's no biggie. Besides, now they know! They seem like nice folks, even if they're not exactly good-neighbor types. At least they're not racist or loud or stuck-up...as far as I know.
Besides, I'm moving by the end of the summer, so there's nothing to lose.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-04-11 16:38:20 +0000
Groovy - where are you moving to? Amsterdam? :)
Posted by tgl on 2005-04-11 17:15:37 +0000
There's an idea Miriam! Your grandparents might enjoy retiring to Amsterdam.
Posted by Miriam on 2005-04-11 19:57:32 +0000
My sister-in-law has family there. Don't know if I'd want to spend a lot of time with them, though. They're a little strange.
Posted by tgl on 2005-04-11 21:00:45 +0000
The strange Jewish Dutch side of the family?
Reminds me: Saw a great documentary on Kurd Garron, well known German actor/singer/director, last night. While his cabaret acts and movies from the '20s and '30s were quite popular, his "greatest" work might be a propaganda film he made <i>while imprisoned </i> at Tereisenstadt. The film shows Tereisenstadt to be a bucolic Jewish ghetto. Incredible.
Garron was sent to Auschwitz and murdered the day before Himmler ordered the death machine closed down.
He had spent the late 30s and early 40s on the Dutch seashore, performing.
Posted by Miriam on 2005-04-11 21:16:01 +0000
I think Vanessa's family survived by living offshore somewhere, maybe Brazil. I'll have to ask. She was born there and lived there until she was 11 or 12, then moved to Paris, then London, then Tel Aviv, then Nashville...where she still lives with my brother and neice, and another little one on the way.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2005-04-13 09:14:00 +0000
As a side note (which I find interesting but which might not be of interest to anyone else...), Amsterdam's Jewish community has a strong link to the city's football (soccer) team, Ajax. Fans wave either Ajax flags, Amsterdam flags, Dutch flags, or Israeli flags - all seen as showing support for the team.
Why is the Dutch part of the family "strange"?
Posted by tgl on 2005-04-13 14:18:44 +0000
Re: strange
See previous portion of post concerning crazed Dutch Jewish football fans.
<i>"Hardcore Stricken Fagan at the Wad caused dance party Total Kenobi."</i> Rory_Stark
Alas, Ed(ward) and I won't be stateside again until July/August. Any free movies then? :)
is the Directors Cut an improvement over the original? MikeF, Rladew, are the names to add on Netflix friends if you have the guts..)
I did enjoy the Tears For Fears 'Head over Heels' High school montage in the beginning...
Donnie Darko: like or dislike?
what would
Donnie Darko (October 2001 for those keeping score or addicted to imdb.com) be? Jim cunnighams vs. The bunny rabbits?
I dunno...
Clearly, I'm with the bunny. Frank didn't mean it, Cunningham is a sick-o. For real.
Sparkle Motion should really be on the ticket anyway!
Packed house. Astrid was a first-timer. Very cool.
When I got home, two neighbors were getting out of a car and introduced themselves. Turns out one of them works at Harvard and the other was in a band with one of Stoops' old bandmates, and they've been getting my mail and not giving it to me! Including a holiday card from Stoops. Lame. They seem nice and I'm going to invite them to my next Q.
Miriam, you are a very forgiving woman. I'd be putting dog poop through their letterbox as we speak...
Besides, I'm moving by the end of the summer, so there's nothing to lose.
Reminds me: Saw a great documentary on Kurd Garron, well known German actor/singer/director, last night. While his cabaret acts and movies from the '20s and '30s were quite popular, his "greatest" work might be a propaganda film he made <i>while imprisoned </i> at Tereisenstadt. The film shows Tereisenstadt to be a bucolic Jewish ghetto. Incredible.
Garron was sent to Auschwitz and murdered the day before Himmler ordered the death machine closed down.
He had spent the late 30s and early 40s on the Dutch seashore, performing.
Why is the Dutch part of the family "strange"?
See previous portion of post concerning crazed Dutch Jewish football fans.