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i ride sideways
Posted by tgl on 2005-04-12 16:13:57 +0000

ring ceremony, er, foot in mouth ceremony

Money quote: "I could have left after the pregame," said baseball commissioner Bud Selig. "It was everything I wanted it to be. It was one of the rare moments in my job when you are proud to be commissioner."

So, generally speaking, Selig is _not_ proud to be commissioner. In fact, he does think that the steroids controversy is a disgrace. In fact, he does think the rigged bidding process for franchises is a disgrace. In fact, he does think that the method by which owners strong arm municipalities (with the willing help of officials, ahem, Bloomberg) to build money pits (aka, stadiums) is a disgrace.

Oh yeah, this article is mostly about yesterday's festivities.

<a href="http://www.boston.com/sports/baseball/redsox/articles/2005/04/12/fans_revel_as_sox_return_as_champs?mode=PF">shaughnessy's take</a>

Posted by G lib on 2005-04-12 17:30:16 +0000
TGLII-- conspiracy theorist.

Don't you think you're reading a little too much into his flubb? I do.

<i>"Hardcore Stricken Fagan at the Wad caused dance party Total Kenobi."</i> Rory_Stark

Posted by frame609 on 2005-04-12 17:39:42 +0000
"That was neat," said Schilling. "There was a lot of history and a lot of fame in those four guys. It was awesome."

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