First Fruits
This morning at work I went to the coffee pot and filled my clear travel mug up to the brim. I couldn't wait to have my third good, steaming, strong cup of joe to start my morning off right.
It looked like weak tea.
If this had been my 4th cup of morning coffee, I would have gone completely postal, and heads would have rolled at the library! Luckily, I was still pretty groggy.
Let me back up--
We get Pete's Coffee here, and most people know how to brew it correctly. And most of the time the coffee tastes pretty good. It's just every once in a while that it just isn't right.
After nearly 3 years at my job, and at the sunset of my second to last week here, I found out that my two closest colleagues are the ones who unabashadly take 'first fruits,' and RUIN the rest of the pot.
Tell me, how could I have not noticed this for three long years? How could I have neglected to pass on my former barrista knowledge to people that have become like a family to me? How could I have overlooked their overwhelming flaws for so long?
What have I done to deserve this?
The pain and guilt are overwhelming.
We have two carafes at work. In the one labeled "Decaf" the coffee is brewed using a single packet (about 10oz. of Green Mountain "Our Blend" or "Nantucket Blend"). In the one labeled "Regular" the coffee is brewed using two packets.
Sometimes the "Regular" carafe is pulled away and about a third of the coffee is reserved in the coffee pot used to fill the machine. It's a bit bizarre, I haven't found the culprit yet. I'm wondering now if the coffee is being brewed with a single packet and it's being split between a first fruits and a dregs carafe.
What's additionally puzzling is how many people actually prefer the brownish water in the "Decaf" carafe.
I like buying coffee, especially when the price of coffee includes the 2 hour rental fee of a table and chair in a cafe'. However, the $3 coffee bought on the way to work every single day doesn't make much sense to me. I once did it, now I'm too cheap.
<i>"Hardcore Stricken Fagan at the Wad caused dance party Total Kenobi."</i> Rory_Stark
And the pocket thing is not controversy. It's simply female stupidity...
I also am flabbergasted that someone still uses the term "muscle car"...
Don't be a Meg Ryan!!!
"Still uses the term 'muscle car'"?
That's what Ford calls them in the company report they send me, and I believe it is industry wide. That's what I will use for clarity...
Any other suggestions?
That's a low blow, Dawn.
<i>The Boot Knife of Mild Reason </i>
And, incidentally, would it be bad to be Meg Ryan? I thought everyone wanted to either be or fuck her?
I loved Joe vs. the Volcano, but everything else... sheesh
She's a cute little gibbon-monkey-girl with a shag haircut. No harm in that. And surely you're not suggesting that any quality films have been made in Hollywood in the past 30 years?
According to, sports cars are not muscle cars because sports cars tend to be more expensive and have a more specialised design. So... muscle cars are simply crappy-ass sports cars?
I'm off to lunch at home, and I'll be right back with an iced double espresso.