Fever Pitch
I did of course go to see this movie so I could get all weepy about Boston (which I did). Only later did I find out how cool I was by association. "This guy" was my college roommate for three years:
To prepare for the role there was a particular character he had in mind, Fallon says, "This guy Michael Schur, who produced 'Weekend Update' on 'Saturday Night Live,' was a huge Boston fan. He'd come into work. Some days he would look so sick. I'd go, 'What happened to Mike? Does he have the flu?' They'd go, 'No, the Yankees beat the Red Sox. Don't bring it up.' If they won, he'd come in, 'Hey, how you doing?' He physically would change whether they won or lost games. It was absolutely insane."
--from Jimmy Fallon Has 'Fever'
I need to get weepy about Boston.
Saw the Star Wars Episode III Preview. Going to be rated PG-13. Awesome.