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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-04-27 16:01:32 +0000

Vincent Gallo sighting!!

... at the Diesel Cafe Davis Sq!
I'm sitting down at the counter to have a poppy seed bagel and a cup o' house blend, when I look over at this Russian looking dude who doesn't blink. He's facing away from the counter just watching people.
Scariest Mo-Fo ever!

Posted by rladew on 2005-04-27 16:05:55 +0000
a right-winger to boot (or so I hear)

this must also increase his scariness to most here @ RS.N....

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-04-27 16:54:27 +0000
No right-wingers scare me in a democracy. Just fascists who have power.

Posted by Miriam on 2005-04-27 17:41:43 +0000
He was totally on a VH1 behind the Music thing on rap. Apparently he was in the scene and beat Ice T in a rap-off. Dude's been involved in everything and thinks he's the poo.

Posted by rladew on 2005-04-28 18:48:08 +0000

How bout this then??? ;)


Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-04-28 19:29:43 +0000
Um... she's the biggest joke in political history.
And if you don't know, now you know.

Posted by tgl on 2005-04-28 19:45:17 +0000
I like how they both have really bizarre blue eyes.

and stringy blonde hair...

Gallo & Coulter, the best of the Aryan race!

Posted by tgl on 2005-04-28 19:46:04 +0000
Oops, Gallo's hair isn't _that_ blonde.

Now that I'm thinking about it, neither is Coulter's.

Posted by rladew on 2005-04-28 20:13:06 +0000
I thought that was Jimmy Carter....

maybe Ann is in the top 5 though...

Posted by frame609 on 2005-04-28 21:07:43 +0000
Jimmy Carter, like Taft, got better after he left the office.

Posted by tgl on 2005-04-28 21:26:01 +0000
What's the old joke:

Man to little boy: "What do you want to be when you grow up?"
Little boy: "The greatest ex-president ever."

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-04-29 04:21:15 +0000
Tough blow to Carter, Rladew.
Even right wingers, like yourself, normally give him credit for starting the USSR's self reflection and downfall.

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