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tome cusp
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-05-02 02:55:34 +0000


Anybody know where I could get my hands on the BBC radio and TV adaptations of the Hitchhiker's Guide?

Posted by Miriam on 2005-05-02 14:09:57 +0000
is this what you're looking for? http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/ or this? http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/hitchhikers/

Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-05-02 16:15:52 +0000
Uh no and no. The TV mini-series and radio shows themselves, not their websites.

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-02 16:26:59 +0000
Mr. Greene has an album, I believe.

I think it's a re-recording of the original radio series scripts (with some minor editing, episodes 1-5).

Started in on "The Complete Guide" yesterday. (Which I think I stole from JBtJ?) It recounts all the different versions and mediums that the H2G2 has come out as.

The story line of the movie doesn't reflect, entirely, the story line of the book. That's almost preferable considering the storyline of the book doesn't reflect the storyline of the radio series (or the TV series).

Posted by Miriam on 2005-05-02 16:29:52 +0000
Saw the flick yesterday. Loved it! Very 1950s cartoon narration. LOVED it.

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-02 16:38:09 +0000
I should say "<i>In the introduction</i> it recounts all the different versions and mediums that the H2G2 has come out as."

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-05-02 16:41:16 +0000
The vinyl is mine. It is indeed a rerecording of pretty much the original scripts. The recounting of all the versions is continued in the Ultimate Guide, which has more (Mostly Harmless and Young Zaphod Plays it Safe) than the More Than Complete Guide, which I let you have when I acquired my UG.

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-02 17:03:23 +0000
OK, I have the MTCG, which has "Young Zaphod...", but not "Mostly Harmless"

Posted by on 2005-05-03 15:40:52 +0000
this kinda stuff? http://www.amazon.co.uk/exec/obidos/search-handle-form/202-7540587-6605416

Posted by Miriam on 2005-05-03 17:10:40 +0000
Does this help? http://www.bbcshop.com/icat/101&source=921

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