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Posted by G lib on 2005-05-05 13:21:27 +0000

P Chippy's clipping service

P Chippy's mom clips articles and crosswords from magazines and newspapers and sends them in a manilla envelope once a month. In the 'biz, we could call it a "vertical file". One of the articles that she sent with this batch was the funniest thing I've heard in a while: . [url=http://morningsentinel.mainetoday.com/news/local/1551931.shtml]Cat fight takes a wild turn[/url] . WYMAN TOWNSHIP -- A hungry bobcat that thought a frail, older house cat sunning himself on a porch might make an easy meal didn't reckon with its 90-year-old owner. Mildred Luce, who raised eight children and was used to being self-sufficient in this rural township 21 miles north of Kingfield, didn't think twice when she looked outside and saw her beloved cat's head locked inside the wildcat's mouth. [url=http://morningsentinel.mainetoday.com/news/local/1551931.shtml]Read the rest of the story here.[/url]

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-05 13:29:20 +0000
Only a Mainer would name a cat "Smudge".

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