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i ride sideways
Posted by tgl on 2005-05-10 15:23:48 +0000


Help us out, Mike F., this fagen is way too deep. Rather, it's way too Don? Too Dan?
<b>Jawbox- Savory +3</b>

a album alphabetical always an and and back been book books buy by criticism doing entirely even every excuse Exposure find first for for Forced gag guess had had has I I I If I’m in interests issues Learn me me Meltzer more new notes of of order picked Plus project pulled research review review Richard rock Savory single something stunned subject that that that that the the the there this Three thought time to to up was was written

<a href="http://alphabetical.blogspot.com/2005/05/jawbox.html">source</a>


Overheard at a party: "Yeah, I'm in this band, Jawbox."

Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-05-10 16:17:20 +0000
Liner notes for this CD are presented alphabetically. Richard Meltzer did a review like this as well (hence the name drop). Suprisingly, knowing these facts, this is a pretty readable review.

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-10 16:31:33 +0000
OK, Mike alluded to this last night, I didn't get it. Every word used in the review has been sorted alphabetically.

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-10 16:40:44 +0000

<font size=1>a</font> <font size=1>album</font> <font size=1>alphabetical</font> <font size=1>always</font> <font size=1>an</font> <font size=2>and</font> <font size=1>back</font> <font size=1>been</font> <font size=1>book</font> <font size=1>books</font> <font size=1>buy</font> <font size=1>by</font> <font size=1>criticism</font> <font size=1>doing</font> <font size=1>entirely</font> <font size=1>even</font> <font size=1>every</font> <font size=1>excuse</font> <font size=1>Exposure</font> <font size=1>find</font> <font size=1>first</font> <font size=2>for</font> <font size=1>Forced</font> <font size=1>gag</font> <font size=1>guess</font> <font size=2>had</font> <font size=1>has</font> <font size=3>I</font> <font size=1>If</font> <font size=1>I’m</font> <font size=1>in</font> <font size=1>interests</font> <font size=1>issues</font> <font size=1>Learn</font> <font size=2>me</font> <font size=1>Meltzer</font> <font size=1>more</font> <font size=1>new</font> <font size=1>notes</font> <font size=2>of</font> <font size=1>order</font> <font size=1>picked</font> <font size=1>Plus</font> <font size=1>project</font> <font size=1>pulled</font> <font size=1>research</font> <font size=2>review</font> <font size=1>Richard</font> <font size=1>rock</font> <font size=1>Savory</font> <font size=1>single</font> <font size=1>something</font> <font size=1>stunned</font> <font size=1>subject</font> <font size=4>that</font> <font size=3>the</font> <font size=1>there</font> <font size=1>this</font> <font size=1>Three</font> <font size=1>thought</font> <font size=1>time</font> <font size=2>to</font> <font size=1>up</font> <font size=2>was</font> <font size=1>written</font>

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