Revenge Of The Sith = CRAP
Made you look!
Ha Ha! 2 For Flinching! (thought I'd beat BQ to the punch and post some negative SW stuff)...
actually pretty good. I had a hard time w/ the wooden acting in the first half, but Kevin Smith's analysis of it "dovetailing" into a new hope was right on. The action and the imagery and the music will help you (sometimes at least) forget the mechanical acting.
I think Im gonna neg out of tommorow afternoon, but I want to do the Digital: Dawn, frame, tgl et. al: Lemme know a time a few days in advance and lets do it dark side style!
Im punchy. 3:29 am is not my best hour...
Yes, it's too political, but hey, few people got Lucas's plot in the first one. Still, George, I didn't need to be hit over the head that hard. Excellent CGI, ridiculous costumes, and wonderful link between three decades. Somehow it all makes sense, and my vision of America's future is bleaker...
I will see it again, but I also want to Attack of the Clones again soon. May the gods bless Natalie Portman.
Id like to pursue a 'politics in the films of George Lucas' thread w/ you, Dawn. Ive been running around w/ a lot of images from THX 1138 and American Graffiti in my head since yr post the other day.