I heard it first from Emily Rooney (you know, Andy's daughter) on a WGBH "Beat the Press" promo tonight. Looks like Darby Conley or at least U.F.S. might be in for some legal trouble for refering to a sportscaster named "Lobel" as drunk.
As seen nationally:
<img src="">
"Lobel" was changed to "him" in the Globe version.
As seen in the Glob:
<img src="">
Apparently, they've changed the archived version.
Now online:
<img src="">
Why can't our dicussions be more like <a href="">this</a>?
I guess those image links weren't working, they do now.
TGL-- can you add a 'edit the text of this page to category dictionary, or add Lobelous there?
<i>The Boot Knife of Mild Reason </i>
One of my best binge drinking sessions ever @ UNH had the soundtrack of Dischord's "The Year in 7 Inches" and one Steve "Ravi"... awesome...
I Got Straight edge indeed.
Conley's in Carlisle!
Sombody has to make a little clip that puts together Bob's most
crunk'dedist moments together to the theme of "Cheers".
Go ahead and put that in your dictionary Terry.
Dictionary Terry.
I wrote together twice.