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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by tgl on 2005-05-26 20:42:16 +0000

Money, meet Mouth.

Awesome. http://wemovetocanada.blogspot.com/

From the people who bring you http://joyofsox.blogspot.com/ and http://awood.blogspot.com/ .

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-26 20:44:59 +0000

Posted by on 2005-05-27 18:52:00 +0000
hey, thanks!

just to be super-accurate, <a href="http://www.wemovetocanada.blogspot.com">we move to canada</a> (that is, me) is the partner of the person who brings you the wonderful <a href="http://www.joyofsox.blogspot.com">the joy of sox</a> and <a href="http://www.awood.blogspot.com">in cold blog</a>. but we're both packing up and leaving.

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-27 19:32:53 +0000
Wow, rideside.net/drupal has broken through the fourth wall. We're not alone, kids.

Thanks for the cross-post, laura k, and good luck in the Great White North, eh.

Posted by G lib on 2005-05-27 19:34:18 +0000
Wow, one of our 'guests' is a famous person who has interesting things to say on the interweb rather than stupid inside jokes.
Laura (soon to be) K(anadian), how did you find our stuipid waste of time chat board?

<i>The Boot Knife of Mild Reason </i>

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-27 19:56:55 +0000
For shame, G! Waste of time? Sure. Stupid? Nay!

By the way, I'm a famous blogger to: <a href="http://wemovetolynn.blogspot.com/">we move to lynn</a>.

Granted, I haven't been linked to by the Washington Post.

Posted by Rory_Stark on 2005-05-27 20:03:47 +0000
Somebody is howlin' for a disembowling.

Posted by laura k on 2005-05-27 20:11:33 +0000
"Laura (soon to be) K(anadian), how did you find our stuipid waste of time chat board?"

Through Statcounter. It was in my "came from"s.

A famous person? Nah. But thank you for your good wishes. And we move to lynn will soon be famous, too...

Posted by Rory_Stark on 2005-05-27 20:21:02 +0000
Good luck in the Great White North. I have had a special place in my heart for Ontario ever since my boyhood crush on "Moose" from "You Can't Do That On Television". So if you see her, tell her she's lookin' good.

Hey, we really need to get on those "USA out of New England" shirts.

Posted by laura k on 2005-05-27 20:44:11 +0000
"Good luck in the Great White North."

Thank you, Rory. I'll keep an eye out for Moose for you. I've been known to appreciate good lookin' women myself.

Posted by tgl on 2005-05-27 21:46:02 +0000
OK, I admit I'm lurking, waiting for something really meta to happen.

Posted by frame609 on 2005-05-28 07:22:09 +0000
I'm digging the irony of the complaints.

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