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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by Miriam on 2005-06-02 14:49:48 +0000

strange night

So, last night, when I was headed to Q, I saw thet Glib and PChippy's light was on and there were two men in their place...one of them on the phone. I couldn't see who they were from the street, so I rang the doorbell, thinking it might be G's sister in town from Metrowest. Turned out it was the landlord showing the place, but in retrospect, I should've called Anna and checked the house later. Still so naive when it comes to catsitting.

When I returned from Q (having been driven home by Eliza and Laura for my own safety and their peace of mind), I dropped off my bag at my place across the street, took my cell phone and their keys, closed the door and made it to the middle of the street before I realized I'd just locked myself out of the house in the process of checking on Lila. Damn. It was 10:45 and there was a light on in my landlord's place. Honestly, I didn't want to ring their bell. Think, damn it. Think! Finally I realized that G&P have a spare to my place. So, I went to theirs, disturbed a clearly sleeping Lila, who looked at me with exhausted pity, found my key, gave the cat more water...plenty of food from earlier...saw that the landlord had taken out the garbage and washed the dishes while he was there, and chuckled my way back to my own snug abode.

Just goes to show, it's good to have neighbors with keys.

Posted by G lib on 2005-06-02 20:32:46 +0000
Fuck me! I hope they didn't run up any phone charges...

Thanks for checking in on our poor, poor, Lila, and thanks for taking care of our place. You're the best!

<i>The Boot Knife of Mild Reason </i>

Posted by Miriam on 2005-06-03 16:34:08 +0000
Totally my pleasure. Don't think they were using your phone, but one of them was making himself very cozy on a couch. I think Michael was caught off-guard. He seemed embarrassed to be found. It was a little funny. At least they weren't robbers. :) Don't think I would've made it to Q in that case.

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