Last minute, but hey...
So Julie graduates with from Umass with her Master's in English tomorrow morning at fuck o'clock. We're going out to dinner, and then heading to MJ O'Connor's afterwards- it's the pub down in Park Plaza, by the Arlington train stop/Via Matta. Come on by, if you like. We'll be there circa seven.
<i>The Boot Knife of Mild Reason </i>
My mom always wanted me to finish college.
She would say, "Then you can say, "I'm a college graduate.""
Which is true because everytime I try I'm always like,
"I'm a college grapuitch...I'm a college gagaadgawhich."
So I got up at seven and drove with Julie and her folks to the Umass campus, where we sat outside from like nine until one-thirty. Total (kenobi) sunburn. Dinner at Capital, drinks at the pub and then at Teatro. I am SO going to bed.