We all crowded around a monitor in the doctor's office with my naked sister lying on the table near it. German Brother-in-law, Chippy, and me. We saw the head (much bigger), the spine, and the teeny little heart beating very quickly. Everything seems to be A-OK, and sister managed to gain 10 lbs in 2 weeks. Her belly is ALMOST, but not quite, bigger than mine. Mine is, of, course, a beer baby, and hers contains an actual baby.
Sister, being a very thin woman, can stand to gain quite a bit more. Chippy and I think that it's funny to convince her to eat more by suggesting really awful baby names. The script goes something like this:
"Sister, you need to have the last bite of that brot/kase/kartoffel/."
"Oh, no, I couldn't possibly, I'm so full!"
"But Tiffany/Brandi/Bertha/Hildegard/ says that she really wants it"
"That's another name to cross off the list! Oh, fine, gimme that (food item)"
And I don't know if it's a boy or a girl, and I don't know what its surname is going to be. Either Blum or mine.
<i>The Boot Knife of Mild Reason </i>
-Orlando Blum
-Sonic Blum
-Heidi Blum
-Push Blum
Leopold Blum
Giacomo Giancarlo Gian Mecagni