Soccer thought
So yesterday, I was watching a World Cup qualifying match (okay, okay, stop laughing). USA vs. Costa Rica (European board members, stop laughing). Got me thinking. US critics say soccer won't catch on because the scores are too low and the game too slow (how the hell does this arugment only apply to soccer? Can't we make the same argument against baseball?). Got me thinking further that all the international basketball leauges have fucked up rules with different 3-point lines, diferent rulings on fouls, et al. Why doesn't Major League Soccer fuck with the rules a wee bit so that we have a more offensive game? Make the goals bigger or the pitch slightly smaller or something like that? Go back to international (read: FIFA) rules for things like World Cup.
FWIW: FIFA here's the top ten ranked teams as of today
[*] Brazil
[*] Czech Republic
[*] Argentina
[*] France
[*] Netherlands
[*] England
[*] Mexico
[*] Spain
[*] Portugal
[*] Italy & USA (tied)
Costa Rica, Korea and Croatia all tied at 21.