"Game 5 at Fenway Park was delayed almost an hour as players from both teams staged an impromptu strike to protest the owners' move before the season to cut the players' World Series share nearly 50 percent by giving teams finishing second, third and fourth part of the pot. Boston Mayor John ''Honey Fitz'' Fitzgerald, grandfather of President John F. Kennedy, brokered a clubhouse agreement, telling the players they would look greedy while their countrymen were fighting a war."
Unlike the owners, who obviously, have never looked greedy.
As I've been reading more about baseball history, I'm becoming less interested in the "gi-normous salaries" are killing baseball argument. Major League Baseball is a monopoly protected by the US government. So owners don't exactly operate in a free market climate. (Although baseball is more capitalistic than the NFL which is basically run like Cuba). If owner's see fit to pay these sums for baseball players, I'm not going to villify the players.
The process by which player's <a href="http://asp.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/salaries/playerdetail.aspx?player=2350">salaries </a> are determined are at least transparent: if Edgar Renteria is worth $8 million a year, then yeah, Orlando Cabrera is worh $6 million. Not sure we can say the same for CEOs, even CEOs of public companies.
Posted by tgl on 2005-06-10 18:58:59 +0000
Arroyo likes to give up the long ball early, doesn't he?
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-06-10 19:00:35 +0000
Yeah, but Rentaria likes to leg out infield hits...
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-06-10 19:10:05 +0000
Being that supply and demand is what regulates high ticket prices and any additional revenue that teams get is fine with me (TV, Radio, merch) I think the biggest problem I have is with government subsidies (building stadiums etc) and not enough community work.
I still haven't formulated entirely how I feel about this, but I think that the city and people should benefit from their teams revenue. I also think that players should be more connected to the cities they play for... It's so lame that most of the Red Sox live in other parts of the country. The competition would be much more interesting if it truly were our guys against their guys, but when we go to Tampa Bay, more of our team is closer to home than when we play at home... I don't like it.
Nevertheless. The high salaries are still ridiculous. I don't think they're killing baseball, though.
Sorry for the rambling, I've had a lot of mid afternoon caffeine
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-06-10 19:10:38 +0000
Wild pitch _and_ a throwing error by Tek? Who are these guys?
Posted by tgl on 2005-06-10 19:13:41 +0000
Now, where did I put that goat?
Posted by tgl on 2005-06-10 19:17:19 +0000
Old friend, Todd Walker. He the later day Bill Buckner.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-06-10 19:18:38 +0000
Do I miss Todd Walker? I think I do...
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-06-10 19:20:53 +0000
I've voted for him for the all star team a few times
Posted by tgl on 2005-06-10 19:24:16 +0000
So glad they put the pitcher in at DH.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-06-10 19:59:36 +0000
Why didn't Arroyo hit a homer?
Posted by tgl on 2005-06-10 20:02:22 +0000
Total Kenobi.
Posted by tgl on 2005-06-10 20:03:02 +0000
Halama? Yo Mama!
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-06-10 20:08:03 +0000
"Game 5 at Fenway Park was delayed almost an hour as players from both teams staged an impromptu strike to protest the owners' move before the season to cut the players' World Series share nearly 50 percent by giving teams finishing second, third and fourth part of the pot. Boston Mayor John ''Honey Fitz'' Fitzgerald, grandfather of President John F. Kennedy, brokered a clubhouse agreement, telling the players they would look greedy while their countrymen were fighting a war."
Unlike the owners, who obviously, have never looked greedy.
As I've been reading more about baseball history, I'm becoming less interested in the "gi-normous salaries" are killing baseball argument. Major League Baseball is a monopoly protected by the US government. So owners don't exactly operate in a free market climate. (Although baseball is more capitalistic than the NFL which is basically run like Cuba). If owner's see fit to pay these sums for baseball players, I'm not going to villify the players.
The process by which player's <a href="http://asp.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/salaries/playerdetail.aspx?player=2350">salaries </a> are determined are at least transparent: if Edgar Renteria is worth $8 million a year, then yeah, Orlando Cabrera is worh $6 million. Not sure we can say the same for CEOs, even CEOs of public companies.
I still haven't formulated entirely how I feel about this, but I think that the city and people should benefit from their teams revenue. I also think that players should be more connected to the cities they play for... It's so lame that most of the Red Sox live in other parts of the country. The competition would be much more interesting if it truly were our guys against their guys, but when we go to Tampa Bay, more of our team is closer to home than when we play at home... I don't like it.
Nevertheless. The high salaries are still ridiculous. I don't think they're killing baseball, though.
Sorry for the rambling, I've had a lot of mid afternoon caffeine