National Jelly Filled Doughnut Day
I celebrate with two.
<a href="">Splitters.</a> It has always been, and continues to be, <a href="">June 8th</a>.
Looks like some people celebrate Doughnut Day earlier in the month. I prefer Jelly-Filled.
I love all the food days : Fudge Day, Feta cheese day etc., and then June 18th "Watergate Day?"
Bridgeside (RIP) not Plymouth (RIP).
otherwise, Id have to say I am a sans jelly donut individual...
Dawn Bixtler -- doughnut eater, patriot.
Hey, PT, it's nice to have you.
...actually makes more sense than the order I heard for _seven_Splendas™_.
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<a href="">Nick Ut</a>
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<a href="">Nick Ut</a>
We've come a long way, baby. (HT: <a href="">MFGR</a>)