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it devolves into boys talking about sports and hardcore
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-06-17 14:18:20 +0000

Bring back Kaps!

I'm dissapointed in Payton being such a whiner. Mr Kapler never whined about being a fourth outfielder, and wants to come back. For that matter, if we are going to have a fourth outfielder complaining about playing time, why didn't we keep Dave Roberts?

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-06-17 14:38:39 +0000
OK, I've read more of the article, and he's being pretty cool about it. I _like_ Jay Payton a lot. I think he's fun to watch and a solid player... still, I'd rather see a guy happy with his job in that position, everyone except Eye Chart was happy with their job last year, (and maybe Pedro with being #2) and that's a big part of why they won.

We need more teams like the Devil Rays... young guys, everyone is psyched to play baseball. Damn I like Carl Crawford. Almost as good a bang for buck as Papi; possibly the second best deal in baseball. He's going to be MVP on that contract.

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