Howard Dean's not the only one sayingnot-so well thought out things in public....
<a href = "">Nader, Please </a>
(yes, Dawn, this is poached from the Drudge report... I couldn't help myself...)
<li>White & Christian does a fairly good job at describing the base of the Republican Party. Is it a stereotype? Yes. Is it true for a majority of Republicans? Yes.
<li>It might piss people off, but it's the truth.
<li>Dean has yet to say something that is false.
<li>Bush is admired for being genuine, even if he is wrong; I admire Dean for being genuine and right.
<li>The US is a white, christian country, so, it might not be helpful to the Democrat's cause to point this attribute of the Republican Party out.
<li>Democrats do not need to strive to be the inclusive and welcoming party. Karl Rove's success shows that you can piss off half the country and still get elected president.
<li>The 30% of the country that might be offended by Dean's remarks are never going to vote Democratic anyway, so, what's the harm?
<li>Nader is deluded.
Nader is totally being an Alexandre Dumas.
I once caught the (white) Swedes who worked in my old company's finance department discussing race relations very earnestly using hip-hop terminology (including the n-word). I tried explaining to them. Remember that Doonesbury where an attempt is made to explain why "people of color" is different from "colored people"? It was like that. Only worse. They were quoting Snoop Dog & Dr. Dre in order to illustrate their points. They didn't get the idea of reclaiming words, and were really disturbed that there are some words which they aren't allowed to use because of the color of their skin.
BQ3K: When are you going to post a review of <a href="">this book</a>?
If so, -------> Chortle Inducing.
the best thing I've seen all day. Hilarious.