'Jandek On Corwood' Review
frame 609 comes through w/ another spot-on Netflix reccommendation. (get in on the action y'all: if you have Netflix start using the friends / reccomendations feature!!, my user id is the same as here: rladew... you can ask frame 609 for what his user id... I wont Out him...)
Ok here goes:
-frightening. The attention focused on Jandek's music / soundscapes and artwork really spooked me from the grainy, indecipherable front cover album photos to the jangly, self tuned dissonance of a sparsley stringed guitar. I know a lot of people wont agree, but seeing these photos and hearing some of the tunes I got that same eerie feeling of the unknown as I did when I saw the "Blair Witch Project' in the theater before I knew a lot of the hype around it. I didn't know where the music was taking me, what the photos represented, etc...
-intriguing / mysterious: who is Jandek? What is he talking / singing about? Where were the photos taken? Does anyone help him w/ Corwood? Who are the other associate musicians (drummers/ female vocalists / bass players et. al. Does everyone who writes / order from him receive some type of correspondence?
-prestigous (at least in my bird brain mind): the viewer gets interviews w/ Angela from <a href = "http://www.twistedvillage.com">Twisted Village </a> in Harvard Square (one of the best record stores I know of), Doctor Demento , Calvin Johnson, writers from Option magazine (very good throughout the 80's and early nineties - have no idea if they are still putting issues out...)Taking an intrest in Jandek and this documentary make me feel like I've joined a secret club or something (I relaize this is kind of a lame-o reason, but I was thinking about it, so I thought I'd write about it)
-detailed : the 18 minute album cover commentary was fantastic and gave you an idea of what a few people think about Jandek's surface appearance...
So quick, frame 609,: tell me 3 to 5 you'd reccommed to get stared with (is the Units one OOP?)
Blue Corpse
White Box Requiem
Humility of Pain
Graven Image
You Walk Alone
Do you always get a letter back?