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Posted by rladew on 2005-06-20 16:03:06 +0000

'Jandek On Corwood' Review

frame 609 comes through w/ another spot-on Netflix reccommendation. (get in on the action y'all: if you have Netflix start using the friends / reccomendations feature!!, my user id is the same as here: rladew... you can ask frame 609 for what his user id... I wont Out him...)

Ok here goes:

-frightening. The attention focused on Jandek's music / soundscapes and artwork really spooked me from the grainy, indecipherable front cover album photos to the jangly, self tuned dissonance of a sparsley stringed guitar. I know a lot of people wont agree, but seeing these photos and hearing some of the tunes I got that same eerie feeling of the unknown as I did when I saw the "Blair Witch Project' in the theater before I knew a lot of the hype around it. I didn't know where the music was taking me, what the photos represented, etc...

-intriguing / mysterious: who is Jandek? What is he talking / singing about? Where were the photos taken? Does anyone help him w/ Corwood? Who are the other associate musicians (drummers/ female vocalists / bass players et. al. Does everyone who writes / order from him receive some type of correspondence?

-prestigous (at least in my bird brain mind): the viewer gets interviews w/ Angela from <a href = "http://www.twistedvillage.com">Twisted Village </a> in Harvard Square (one of the best record stores I know of), Doctor Demento , Calvin Johnson, writers from Option magazine (very good throughout the 80's and early nineties - have no idea if they are still putting issues out...)Taking an intrest in Jandek and this documentary make me feel like I've joined a secret club or something (I relaize this is kind of a lame-o reason, but I was thinking about it, so I thought I'd write about it)

-detailed : the 18 minute album cover commentary was fantastic and gave you an idea of what a few people think about Jandek's surface appearance...

So quick, frame 609,: tell me 3 to 5 you'd reccommed to get stared with (is the Units one OOP?)

Posted by frame609 on 2005-06-20 16:50:27 +0000
The Units one is out, but it's a Jandek release.

Blue Corpse
White Box Requiem
Humility of Pain
Graven Image
You Walk Alone

Posted by rladew on 2005-06-20 17:20:25 +0000
Im assuming the best (i.e most fun) way to order these is to write a letter of instruction along with financial compensation to the TX address...

Do you always get a letter back?


Posted by frame609 on 2005-06-20 17:23:42 +0000
Not always. The best way to get a cryptic response is to ask him a direct yes/no question. I had luck with 'Have you been to Boston?' and 'Have you been to New Hampshire' but didn't have any with 'Do you watch football?'and 'What do you think about Clemens coming to the Astros?'

Posted by bizquig3000 on 2005-06-20 17:46:10 +0000
FWIW: I listened to Blue Corpse and Interstellar Discussion. Both are fine for completely different reasons. Not sure I'd listen to either again.

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