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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by G lib on 2005-07-08 15:28:59 +0000

Trav, East Boston part 2

"Make it a point not to take yourself, others, or life too seriously." my 'Metro' horoscope said.
I got a call from my mother, frantic, telling me that PChippy's car was being towed.
HOW, you ask, did my mother, in central Mass., find out that our car was being towed?
This is what happened.
Apparently the place we had parked the night before was about to be paved THAT MORNING. Everyone on the street moved their cars except for us, the DPW had done as much paving as they could, but couldn't move ahead because of Chippy's car. The DPW people were all just hanging around, waiting for the car to be moved.
The cop on the paving detail SAW A PRINTED EMAIL ON OUR DASHBOARD, and found out that it was from my uncle in Connecticut. (it was directions to the wedding we had been to the weekend before),
The cop CALLED MY UNCLE, who thought that it was his son's car being called.
My uncle CALLED MY COUSIN, who assured him that it wasn't his car being towed.
My cousin CALLED THE COP, who described the car to him.
MY cousin RECOGNIZED the description as being Peter's car, and called my mother. He couldn't get in touch with us, as our phone hadn't been set up.
My mother CALLED ME AT WORK, to tell me that my car was being towed.
It gets better. I couldn't get in touch with Chippy (no phone yet), so I called the cop, and told him that Peter was home, but I couldn't reach him.
Holy f*ing shit!
This is a true story.
"Make it a point not to take yourself, others, or life too seriously." Damn straight!
And guess who is going to write a nice letter to thank that nice cop today? That's right. Me, the girl with her fingerprints and mug shot on file at the precinct.

Posted by tgl on 2005-07-08 15:51:09 +0000
Wow, that's service.

Posted by Miriam on 2005-07-08 15:58:24 +0000
Just goes to show that they arrested the wrong gal 5 years back.

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