I was thinking about this the other day (and to be fair I guess I should do this as well), for the sake of argument, anybody care to throw up three different news links that, in their own opinion:
- Shows clear right-wing bias?
- Shows clear left-wing bias?
- Is completely unbiased?
<i>--Feminazi </i>
"Scheuer, who headed the CIA’s bin Laden unit for
nine years, sees a different way out — through U.S.
foreign policy. He said he resigned last November
to expose the U.S. leadership’s “willful blindnessâ€
to what needs to be done: withdraw the U.S. military
from the Mideast, end “unqualified supportâ€
for Israel, sever close ties to Arab oil-
state “tyrannies.â€
2. The Village Voice, The Pheonix, the Weekly Dig
3. Official AP Press reports, Reuters, and the BBC.
Ending "unqualified support" for Israel is a liberal idea? Does that make Pat Buchanon a liberal? It's isolationist. Most of the disgruntled, former CIA analysts are isolationists. A decidedly non-liberal viewpoint.
I would call The Economist a conservative rag, however, I know of plenty of people who feel they've been drifting to the left.
I might be labeled an East Coast Liberal Elitist for reading The Atlantic Monthly, however, I know plenty of people who feel it's an apology sheet for the right.