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Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-07-16 16:56:53 +0000

Even WGBH turns right

My heart sank last night as I watched [url=http://www.wgbh.org/schedules/program-info?program_id=1851531&episode_id=1851537]The Journal Editorial Report[/url] hosted by non other than [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Gigot]Paul Gigot.[/url] As per our discussion [url=http://www.rideside.net:8080/drupal/node/675]here at rs.n[/url] Gigot is a proven liar for the GOP, and will not make corrections when he and his op-ed staff are wrong. If anyone can find a WGBH show hosted by an outspoken liberal, please PLEASE post it, and I will still consider WGBH balanced. But the term "objective" can no longer be used with WGBH. A sad day for American media...

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