Well, we tease him a lot 'cuz we got him on the spot.
Weclome back, welcome back, welcome back.
Looking forward to seeing 19 18 in the outfield again.
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-07-18 18:30:05 +0000
Payton's own fault, not that I'm unhappy. Payton's a situational player who wanted to be a starter.
Welcome back my circumsized body builder!
Posted by frame609 on 2005-07-18 18:35:01 +0000
The staff of Zaftig's is getting the eggwhites ready once again.
Posted by tgl on 2005-07-18 18:49:10 +0000
It's funny because the reason Kapler signed with the Giants (of Japan) is because he was a situational player that wanted to be a starter.
A dollop of meringue for the Hebrew Hitter.
What else do you make from egg whites? Challah?
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-07-18 18:52:28 +0000
I believe challah uses the whole egg, w/ yolk making it much richer than regular bread...