While all baseball scholars state that the A.L. East will be won with by the NY Yankees, 7 games being neigh impossible to make up on the Yanks in 81 games, there still hope. Case in point:
If Pedro remains unbeaten at Fenway after tonight (OK, and gets a decision) the deficit will be down to 6 games.
All this merely to say: D. Tigs did it again!
Lastly: A 55-26 second half? 50-21? 45-16?
Posted by on 2004-07-08 16:03:07 +0000
I did a post the other day on Sons of Sam Horn- in 1978, the Yankees were in third place at this time, back by nine. And we all know how THAT went.
Posted by on 2004-08-19 13:53:52 +0000
8 games back! Thanks to the Twins.
Posted by on 2004-08-19 17:43:12 +0000
What a trip it would be if they caught the Yankees.
Posted by on 2004-08-21 22:25:37 +0000
C'mon Anaheim!
Posted by on 2004-08-22 05:53:57 +0000
Anaheim: yes!
Unlikely but still possible: Anaheim, Texas and Oakland all fight, the Sox take over the AL East, and the Yankees don't make it to the playoffs. Can you imagine?
Posted by on 2004-08-22 10:52:15 +0000
Oh! Snap!
Posted by on 2004-08-22 23:53:07 +0000
Today in the Glob, K. MIllar quoted being optimistic about Boston's chances against New York. The gap being 6.5 games, with 6 games left between the two clubs this season.
Deja vu la '78!
Posted by on 2004-08-23 12:52:09 +0000
I like it.
Posted by on 2004-08-23 15:13:39 +0000
5.5 games.
Posted by on 2004-08-23 17:32:32 +0000
Over on the dirt digs page there's a little blurb about "shut the fuck up, Millar." Pretty funny.
Posted by on 2004-08-29 22:42:12 +0000
4.5 games. +30 left to play, including 6 against the Bombers. I like it.
If Pedro remains unbeaten at Fenway after tonight (OK, and gets a decision) the deficit will be down to 6 games.
All this merely to say: D. Tigs did it again!
Lastly: A 55-26 second half? 50-21? 45-16?
Unlikely but still possible: Anaheim, Texas and Oakland all fight, the Sox take over the AL East, and the Yankees don't make it to the playoffs. Can you imagine?
Deja vu la '78!