John G.
It's time we got some serious Supreme bickering going on here about the next Chief Justice of the SCOTUS.
Didn't catch me?
It goes like this: Roberts gets approved. Rehnquist retires. Bush nominates a woman to replace Rehnquist. Roberts gets nominated for Chief.
* Bush satisifies the base with a conservative nominee.
* Bush keeps the flames down with a nominee in the Rehnquist mold, not the Scalia/Thomas mold.
* Bush appeases his wife by keeping the gender ratio intact (although, it should probably be made more even... uh-huh?)
I think the Dems should take Roberts. A principled conservative instead of a radical, strict constructionist, activist judge, like Thomas. He's probably the best one could hope for. I'll even state (foolishly, as some disapprove of trying to predict the future, but what's the fun in that?) that Roberts would not strike down <i>Roe v. Wade</i> is such a case reached the Supreme Court.
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They're tricky bastards on the phone, too.
Wow, I love the British humor...
David Brooks on Lehrer last week poo-pooed <a href="">Schumer's questions</a> as being on the order of "what's your favorite color". I'd say that's an unfair description.