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tome cusp
Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-07-27 12:15:50 +0000

Angel Dust appreesh

On a whim I put Angel Dust in the car CD player... actually, it wasn't a whim, I had RV in my head in the shower. As much as I love Faith. No More.'s earlier work, and as much as The Real Thing rocked my world when it came out, I have to admit that Angel Dust is their finest work. (OK, I never listened to Album of the Year, which Todd O'Neal swears by) I'm from the school of thought that the Beatles are the exception and not the rule, and it is rare that a band has more than one great album in them... for that matter, it's rare that a band has even one great creative spell. And for FNM, Angel Dust was the true culmination of the musical artistry of the band and the creativity of Mike Patton... Still haven't taken it back out of the CD player.

Posted by rladew on 2005-07-27 14:38:52 +0000
Sometimes I think its scary that I leave my stereo alone with all the power that is contained on that disc.

The sheer destruction of "Jizzlobber" followed up by FNM's arrangement of John Barry's eerily mellow yet somber "Midnight Cowboy" theme...

the FNM PCP album is definitely in my all time top 10.

Some lyrical gems:
-BE Aggressive b-E Agressive B-E a-G-G-R-E-S-S-I-V-E
-I'm a swinging guy: throw a belt over the shower curtain rod and swing
-I try so hard to find that fresh clean smell
-Here's how to order!
-Your Menstruating Heart It Aint Bleeding Enough For Two
-I f I Speak At One Constant Volume at One Constant Pitch at one constant rhythm right into yr ear, you still wont hear..


Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-07-27 15:11:28 +0000
"I'm warning you, I'm fucking you!"

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