Global Struggle Against Extremism
At what point do we get to say: "Hey, this isn't working too well!"
Remember 9/11? Remember WMDs? Remember Global War on Terrorism? 2008 is a long ways away. I hope we make it.
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China unleashes the yuan.
King Fahd is dead.
Britain is getting bombed by Brits.
While I would be the first to lampoon the adminstration for trying to shift debate through an Orwellian use of language, I happen to <a href="">agree</a> that Global War On Terrorism (GWOT) is a particularly bad name for what we are engaged in. While it's correct to say, "Ha!, you are changing your position!". I think the _new_ position is correct and the old one improper. Sounds like the administration is switching back to GWOT. At least Rummy is. Condi might not be. Just like we are <a href="">simultaneously </a> bringing in more troops and preparing to withdraw.
Likewise, I am happy to point the finger and charge "HYPOCRITE" every time the administration changes policy, i.e., flip-flopping. It's the inability of this administration to change based on the reality of failure that is so frustrating. I want more flip-flops. I want Bush to recognize that flip-flopping is a good thing.
By the way, I missed the 4th anniversary of the <a href="">daily intelligence briefing</a> --given to Bush while working in Crawford on Aug 6th, 2001--- that warned of Bin Laden's determination to strike America.
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Still not sure how we got on this topic.
That's Dawn's job.