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tome cusp
Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-08-05 22:19:17 +0000

Bicycle repair

Wow. I haven't dropped a bottom bracket in a while (I'm guessing '89?). There are a lot of those little ball bearings now aren't there?

Especially frustrating when your pull the axle while the bike is upside down, and several bearings plunge into the bicycle's tubing -- ping, ding, ching-ching...

Then you turn the bike right side up, carefully over a large pan to catch the ball bearings, but they bounce right onto the floor anyway and show how of kilter you home is. (Actually useful when finding the bearings.)

Wow, a family of moths once lived my seat tube.

Posted by G lib on 2005-08-06 00:12:50 +0000
Packing grease = pretty cheap
Bearings = pretty pricey.
Good luck, Dawn!
<i>--Feminazi </i>

Posted by dawnbixtler on 2005-08-06 00:15:59 +0000
Found all the bearings, except one. I think it is still stuck in my chainstay tube.

29 cents each at Ace Wheel Works... I bought ten.

Posted by mr. mister on 2005-08-08 17:05:37 +0000
That is not the easiest thing to do. Wicked messy too. I broke my bottom bracket flying down Commonwealth Ave. I landed on the frame yeow and rolled to the sidewalk. A lady came over to me and started screaming that I was a nutcase. It really sucked!

Posted by tendiamonds on 2005-08-08 17:56:41 +0000
What a perceptive woman, how could she tell you were a nutcase merely by witnessing that?

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