Fucking Beer Canyon
"Arroyo"from Thesaurus.com:
Main Entry: channel
Part of Speech: noun 1
Definition: pathway
Synonyms: approach, aqueduct, arroyo, artery, avenue, canal, canyon, carrier, chamber, chase, conduit, course, dig, ditch, duct, fluting, furrow, gouge, groove, gully, gutter, main, means, medium, pass, passage, pipe, raceway, reach, route, runway, sewer, slit, snye, strait, tideway, trough, tube, tunnel, vein, watercourse, way
Source: Roget's New Millenniumâ„¢ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.1.1)
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I'm going with Sewer. Maybe he's focusing on "Chapter 5"
First game of a roadtrip after winning eight straight- we'll give this one to 'em.
Atrocious fielding errors last night- ugh.
Bronson's head wasn't in it. Good fielding pitchers, (Wakedawg, Maddox) are helpful aren't they...