Double CD Ennio Morricone Retrospective On Ipecac (Septemberish?)
...Centers mostly on output from the late 60's through 70's if im not mistaken.
found more poop <a href="">here</a>. Can't wait...
<a href="">IPECAC</a> says the US release date is in November.
However, I just got this month's <a href="">WIRE</a> which has a great full page comprehensive review. Opening text of the review by Ken Hollings is classic:
"How many men and women have died violently to the sound of music compose by Ennio Morricone?"...
(BTW frame: there is a Byron Coley written piece in WIRE this month as well...)
past 2 days, I've got to give it up to <a href="">this guy.</a>
Not quite the genius of Morricone, but Henry was superb
with the mystery genre...
A Shot In the Dark (from the Pink Panther)!
Peter Gunn! (Spyhunter to 80s kids)
Pink Panther theme!
I was seriously distraught the day Mancini died... awesome film composer..
BTW: <u><b><strong><i>BUMP!!!!</u></b></strong></i>
I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.
-John Cage