tags will overcome
Alert Librarians! <a href="http://shirky.com/writings/ontology_overrated.html">Ontology is overrated</a>.
I've been using <a href="http://del.icio.us">del.icio.us</a> to manage bookmarks. (There is a Firefox plugin that displays tags in the sidebar). Del.icio.us also supports RSS, so I've added my "bookmark feed" to the <a href="/aggregator">news aggregator</a>. If you use del.icio.us, I can add your feed as well.
Lastly, aside from pchippy, it sounds like the <a href="/forum">forums</a> interface is not well used. I might remove forum posts, make everything of type "blog". I'd especially like to do that if the Drupal system can support tagging of blog entries. Anyone follow me?
<i>--Feminazi </i>
Additional change would be instead of selecting pre-programmed categories, e.g., "back porch", "hidden agenda", "Drunk Dialin'", the person making the new entry would tag the entry as appropriate. In the same way as http://del.icio.us tags URLs or http://technorati.com tags weblogs.
I didn't know what I was writing before.
Shit, I haven't listened to Rush in a while... Game On.
Although, I still don't what those cats are talking about.
mmmmmmmm BBQ sauce....
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a fried news <a href="http://www.southern.com/southern/band/FUGAZ/19620.html">arpeggiator</a> to polish off and Im almost out of KC Masterpiece....