Mr. Coltrane holding up his tenor with FIRE coming out of the bell? How could one not get excited about an image like that?
I think the original is found in a <a href ="">church in San Francisco</a> that uses Mr. Coltrane's music to preach the gospel. whoa.
Posted by rladew on 2005-08-15 01:49:44 +0000
On second thought, if she was really hard core, she would've done 'Safe As Milk'
I have only ever entertained this image as a tat, although Im not sure I would want it on my own skin.
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Mr. Coltrane holding up his tenor with FIRE coming out of the bell? How could one not get excited about an image like that?
I think the original is found in a <a href ="">church in San Francisco</a> that uses Mr. Coltrane's music to preach the gospel. whoa.
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And I'll get a Jandek tattoo when/if the man dies.
Shoulda gone:
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Dying my hair tonight...